"Last Wishes.." Komahina! Angst

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It was late and quiet on island. For once, nothing was happening. It left Hajime with an eerie feeling as he made his way to the beach. "It wouldn't hurt to get some alone time, right? It should be fine." He mumbled to himself, ignoring any doubtful thoughts.

As he treaded his feet over the sand, he noticed someone sitting by themselves a few feet away. "Komaeda?" Hajime questioned, stopping for a second. Nagito was sitting by himself, seemingly staring out at the ocean. He had his knees brought up close to his chest, but looked calm. "God, whats he doing out here?" He asked himself, a bit irritated with his presence. Nonetheless, he found himself walking up to him.

"Nagito? What are you doing out here so late?"

"Hm?" Nagito looked up at him, a soft smile forming on his face once he realized who it was. "Hajime! I'm so happy to see you." He said, oblivious to the blunt expression on his face. "You didn't answer me. You aren't up to any suspicious, are you?"

"Me?" Nagito laughed, shaking his head. "I just thought I'd come out here tonight. It's pretty, isn't it?" He asked, looking off at the water. "That's not the poin-Whatever." Hajime sighed, looking down at Nagito. "Why are you out here, Hajime?" He asked, moving his legs down. "No reason really. I wanted to get in some alone time." He explained, crossing his arms. "You did?" Nagito moved his head back to see Hajime. "Ah, If I had known that, I would have just stayed in my cabin." Nagito began. "But, There's no use in leaving now. So, why don't you have some alone time with me?" He asked, patting the spot beside him.

Hajime stared back, caught in his own thoughts. "Do I really want to spend my night with him? Out of everyone on this island .. Komaeda?" But something in him .. really wanted to stay.

"Oh .. " Nagito frowned, moving his hand away. "Why did I say that? I doubt you'd want to spend another minute around someone disgusting and insignificant like me." He scolded himself, wiping the sand off onto his leg.

"Hm." Hajime hummed, looking around before finally sitting by the other boy. "C'mon now, don't say that." He said, feeling some sort of sympathy for Nagito. "You don't think that about me?" He asked, sitting up.

"N-No. I don't. It might sound stupid but .. I don't like it when you say those things about yourself, Nagito. None of that is true." Hajime said, watching his expression change to something more vulnerable than earlier. "Really?" Nagito asked, his voice shaking a bit. "I .. I'm not sure what to say to that." He said, but continued. "I'm not used to people saying those things to me."

"That's not hard to believe.." Hajime mumbled, brushing that off. "You're treated differently than everyone else." He said, looking back at Nagito. He couldn't help but feel bad, he really was treated like some sort of outcast. It was understandable .. but-

"But, you're not like them." Nagito spoke up.

"I'm not?" Hajime questioned, confused at whatever he was getting at. "You're not." Nagito shook his head, moving in closer. "Something about you keeps me thinking of you, Hajime. Maybe it's the curiosity of your talent, or .. your hope."

"My .. Hope? I don't know what you're talking about.." Hajime said, considering up and leaving at this point. "That's it. Your hope." Nagito repeated. "It's actually sort of embarrassing to confess .. but, you're always on my mind. Your-Your hope that is." Nagito "corrected" himself and cleared his throat.

"Komaeda, I-I never realized you felt that way about me." Hajime said, a faint blush spreading across his face. "Hajime." Nagito locked eyes with him, gaining a serious tone. "My last wishes are to be honest with you." He said, hesitantly taking Hajime's hands in his. "You'll probably hate to hear these dreaded words but .. I'm in love with you." Nagito confessed, quickly regretting saying it so suddenly.

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