"Happy." Nagito Komaeda x Reader ( fluff / sfw )

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~~idk i listened to this while writing~~


The sound of rain pattered down against the grass, leaving a familiar smell in the air. You leaned back a little, slowly rocking back and forth on your porch swing. Your feet brushed against the cool porch wood, reminding you of how the weather was that morning.

"Y/N?" You turned back, seeing Nagito leaning against the back doorway. "Nagito!" You smiled, almost falling off the swing. "I-I got a little worried when I didn't see you this morning.." He said, lightly pressing his cheek against the door frame. "Ah-Sorry.."

"You don't have to apologize, it's okay." He brushed it off with a carefree smile. "Did you sleep alright?" You asked, watching him sit beside you. "I suppose, it was much more comforting with you beside me." Nagito said, reminding you of yesterday. You had a sleepover with him, watching disney movies and such.

"Too bad it's raining, we could have done more today." You hummed, feeling him lay his head in your lap. "I like it." He smiled up at you. "I guess I don't mind it too much." You said, running your hand across his cheek. "Days like these always give me time to think, you know?" Nagito said, his smile falling. "Think about .. what exactly?" You asked.

"Y/N.." He began and looked away from you. "Have you ever wanted someone to care about you?" Nagito asked, holding your hand against his cheek. "That's what i've always dreamed of.." He smiled, meeting your eyes. "To be .. loved." His voice grew softer, almost a whisper at this point.

"Nagito.." You tilted your head, rubbing your thumb against his cheek. "But.." He quickly sat up, almost hitting his forehead against yours. The swing creaked, and he raised his voice over the rain. "You love me, right?" He asked. His once expression of sadness switched over to something closer to fear. "Of course I do." You nodded, pressing your lips against his forehead. "There won't be a single day I won't." You said, watching a faint tint of red blotch across his face. You moved back a little, just so you could see him better. "Love .. " Nagito uttered beneath his breath, swiping his palm against one of his glassy eyes.

"I-I love you too, y/n." He said, gently brushing his fingers against yours. "There's nothing I cherish more .. than you." Nagito said, gently pulling you closer towards him. "Nothing?" You questioned.

"Nothing. Not a single thing .. not a single person could replace you." He shook his head. "I don't need anything but you." He said, intertwining his fingers with yours. "You're my hope, y/n." He said, bringing both your hands against his chest. "Do you feel that?" Nagito asked you, pressing your hand a little harder against his chest. You could feel his heartbeat, it was racing.

"It's kind of embarrassing." He laughed, glancing away. "I should be more calm around you." The white haired boy sighed, looking down, but still held your hand right. "My heart beats for you, y/n. Each breath I take .. its for you." He lifted his head up. "I never thought I would feel this way towards anyone." Nagito said, steadily keeping his eyes on you. He wore a calm, straight face. "But, here we are." He laughed a little, bringing your hand up to his face. "I promise, none of this will change." He said, slowly moving closer.

"I'll always be right here. And you will be too, won't you?" He asked you, gripping the swing chain beside your head.

"I-I will." You nodded, getting a little nervous. He was only a couple inches away from you at this point.

He smiled, getting close enough to brush his lips against yours before closing the small gap between them.

You froze a little, but found yourself softly kissing him back for a moment.

Nagito moved back, quietly laughing. "My .. hope." He whispered, moving his hand off the chain. "Do you want to go inside?" He asked, getting up off the swing. "We can do whatever you'd like." He said, holding his hand out for you. You nodded, taking it in yours.

He led you past the back door, holding it open for you to step through. "I'll make some tea, is that okay y/n?" He asked, walking a bit ahead of you to the to kitchen. "Y-Yeah." You replied, following behind. You leaned back against the counter, looking around. There wasn't really much in there noteworthy.

after tea, you both snuggled up on the couch. :)

He laid his against your shoulder, pulling you close against him. "I don't have much longer left here.." Nagito said, holding you tighter. "And of course.. i'd like to spend it with you." He said, startling you a bit. "Don't go saying depressing things like that!" You pulled back, meeting his face. "Y-Y/N! I'm sorry I-I .."

"It's fine." You sighed, grabbing the remote off the coffee table. "Let's just spend as long as we get together, happy." You said, tugging the blanket over yourself. "Happy." Nagito repeated, snuggling back against you. "That's right." You smiled, softly pressing your lips against his.


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