Comforting! Shuichi Saihara x Depressive / Self H*rm Reader

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MAJOR TW: self harm


You found yourself on your bedroom floor, crying over something that had happened that day. Everything had just seemed to be crashing down on you. You had completely forgotten about your plans with Shuichi that evening. Your were supposed to going to see a movie with him.

Once he realized you were running late, he decided to come pick you up instead.


"Y/N?" You looked up, hearing a familiar voice. "Sh-Shuichi?!" You quickly sat up, smearing any tears off your face. "O-Oh .. Y/N! Are you okay?!" He noticed that you had been crying, and quickly scrambled over to you. He dropped to his knees in front of you. "What happened?" Shuichi asked, taking one of your arms. "N-Nothing! Nothing!" You denied, pulling away.

"Gh!" Shuichi exclaimed, reaching his arms out to you. "Y-Y/N! Plea-Please don't cry!" His voice trembled as he shuffled closer to you. "I'm sorry!" You sobbed, rubbing the tears that had began to run down your face. "H-Hey .." He brought his hands up to your face. "Y-You don't need to apologize!" He assured you, trying to steady his hands. "You .. you don't understand!" You placed your hands over his, startling him with the raise of your voice.

"I- can- I cant do this anymore, Shuichi." You choked out, watching the nervous smile on his face fall. "Of-Of course you can!" He nodded, wiping your tears. "I believe in you, y/n. You're not alone." Shuichi said, giving you a wobbly smile. "I promise." He finally brought his hands around your back, and pulled you into his chest. "It's .. Its gonna be okay, Y/N." The navy haired boy said, holding your head against him.

With each breath, you tried to say something.. but the only thing you could do was cry. You found yourself sobbing against his chest, losing any bit of composure you had left.

"You won't .. You won't leave me?" You asked, squeezing him tighter. "Ah .. Of course not." You heard him say, making you feel .. safer. "Y/N .." Shuichi pulled away from you, letting his hands linger over your arms. He moved his head towards his lap before saying anything. "I-I don't .." He swallowed, having trouble seeing you like this. He moved his head up, peeking at you through the stray hairs over his eyes. "I don't want you doing this to yourself." He said, taking your hands in his with a soft sigh.

"Shuichi, you don-" You started to pull away from him. "Y/N, please." Shuichi's voice trembled as he gripped your hands tighter. "Y-You don't deserve this." He said, running his thumb over your hands.

"Nobody does. And .. you certainly don't. I can't stand the thought of it." He glanced away for a second. "I know it isn't much, but .. I'm here for you, y/n. It doesn't matter what happens, I'll always stay. And .. I want you to stay too." Shuichi told you, tears welling in his eyes. "Really?" You questioned, trying to believe in his sincerity. "I care about you, y/n. I want you to know that. I really do." He nodded. "You don't mean that .. do you?" You asked, doubting him.

"Would I ever lie to you? You mean the world to me, y/n. I want to give you all I can offer .. I'll do whatever it takes, just to be sure you're safe." Shuichi slid his hand up to your wrist, holding it tightly. "It might not feel like it now but, trust me, it'll be okay." He said, brushing his lips against your bare skin. "You just have to give it time. And .. I'll be there for you every step of the way." He looked up at you.

"Do you promise?" You asked, your voice breaking at the end of that sentence.

"Mhm." He hummed. Though Shuichi's hands were still trembling, he slowly
intertwined his fingers with yours. "I-I love you. I love you so much y/n." He shook his head, feeling tears run down his own face. "This is worth sticking around for." He leaned in towards you. "For your family, your friends .. Your future.." He began. "Shuichi .." You went to bring your hand up to his face, but he held your hands steadily.

"Stay clean ... stay alive .. for me?" He asked you, pouring any passion he had for you straight from his heart. "I-Y-Yeah." You said, wrapping your arms around him. "Y/N.." He held you closer, and began to rub your back. "You can do this." He whispered. "I know you can. You're stronger than you think. You just have to hold on to something. Anything, anyone that you get you through this. And if you don't have anyone .."

He pulled away from you, meeting your eyes. "You'll have me." Shuichi whispered, rubbing a tear off your cheek. "Th-Thank you." You said, started to cry again. "Why are you thanking me?" He asked, sounding more confused than he should have. "For just .. being here for me." You told him, smiling. "Y/N .. you don't have to thank me for that. I'm here because i care about you. I love you, and no matter what. i'll be here. it'll be okay. you're okay. . we're okay." He held your cheek against the palm his hand with a assuring smile.

"I-I hate seeing someone so .. beautiful .. crying." Shuichi mumbled, rubbing his thumb against your cheek. "You either!" You laughed, rubbing his wet face. "C'mon .. why don't we watch that movie?" He asked, taking your hand.

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