Closer // Pregame! Kokichi x Reader Fluff!

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originally a request from ao3 but we cross posting boys

You tapped your pencil against your desk, glancing over at the windows across the classroom. It had started to rain about mid-lecture. Your eyes flickered between the window and clock. If anything, school was the least of your worries.

You glanced across the classroom, fixating on your gaze on your childhood friend, Kokichi Ouma. He lifted his head from his textbook, looking over at you. You didn't even try to hide the fact you were staring. Kokichi's face seemed to flush a bit, as the corners of his mouth lifted to warm smile.

After class, you wrapped your arms around Kokichi from behind for a hug. "Y/N!" He exclaimed, getting a bit startled. "How was class?" You asked, resting your chin over his shoulder. "It was okay .." He replied. You pulled away, moving over to face him. "I'm glad it's over but, I-I was wondering if you could walk me home? I just don't like going alone." Kokichi asked, looking over at you for an answer.

"I'd love to!" You smiled.

You started to walk down the hall with him. Once you made it up to your lockers, you began to look for your umbrella. "Dammit!" You closed your locker with a sigh. "Did you lose your umbrella, Y/N?" Kokichi asked. "We can share mine. I-If you want to." He offered, looking away. "You don't have to do that-"

"But, I want to." He confessed, handing you his umbrella. You smiled, oblivious to the blush growing across his cheeks. "Thank you." You said, watching him smile back.

For you, it was always the sweetest sight to see him happy. "We should get going before it gets any worse." He pointed out, watching you open his umbrella. "You're right .. well, are you ready?" You asked, gently taking his hand. He didn't say anything, but nodded.

Though you grew up together, Kokichi still seemed a bit shy around you at times.

His umbrella was a bit on the smaller side, but you did your best to fit the two of you under it. You pulled him in a bit closer as you stepped out of the school, feeling his grasp around your hand tighten a bit. Hand in hand, your shoulders brushed together as you walked.

You didn't mind being close to Kokichi at all. You'd always notice how flustered he'd get when you would hug him, or snuggle up to him. Rain poured down against the side walk towards his house. But, you weren't paying attention to that. The only thing on your mind was the boy next to you. "Hey, y/n?" Kokichi turned towards you, a nervous look on his face. "Hm?"

You felt his hand tremble, his free one rubbing his cheek. "I just .. I wanted to thank you." He said, meeting your eyes. "Why?" You asked. "I've never had someone care about me the way you do." He suddenly stopped talking, and let go of your hand. "I'm sorry!" He stepped back from under the umbrella, tripping backwards.

Kokichi reached out for you, and you quickly caught him. You pulled him into your chest, being able to feel how fast his heart was beating. "Are you okay?" You asked, noticing he still had his arms around you. He hummed in response, slowly pulling away. "I-Im sorry." He apologized once more. "I shouldn't be saying those kind of things, and I just .. just get so nervous around you sometimes." He began. "Hey, don't worry." You said, taking his hand. "It's alright." You said with a nod.

After a bit of awkward silence, you finally saw his house coming up in the distance. You walked with him up to front door. "Are you gonna be okay?" You asked, tilting your head a bit "Uhm. Yeah .. I think so." He said, sounding unsure. "Oh yeah! Thanks for letting me borrow your umbrella." You said, beginning to close it. "N-No! Keep it! It's still raining." He said, pushing it back into your hands. You turned back, it was pouring. "I guess you're right." You shrugged. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" You waved, beginning to head off.

"Y/N, I wanted to tell you something." Kokichi tugged on your hand. You turned back, stopping in your tracks. "What is it?" You asked, seeing the tears sting in his eyes. "Y-You won't leave me, right?" Kokichi asked, squeezing your hand. He started overthinking every word that left his mouth, too afraid of scaring you. So afraid of opening up.

"Oh, Kokichi." You frowned, pulling him into a hug. "You don't have to worry about that." You assured him. He tightened his arms around your embrace. "Y/N." Kokichi pulled back and rubbed his eyes. "I promise I won't leave you. I don't know what I'd do without you." He mumbled, glancing down to his feet. As he stepped closer, he hesitantly took your hands in his. "I-I .. I really like you." Kokichi said, face lightening up in a red tint.

"I've never felt this way towards someone." He said, gripping your hands. "I-I .. um .." He took a deep breath. "I like you, y/n."

You paused before saying anything, looking back at him. His school uniform and hair were a bit wet, and his face burned a deep red. You felt the shake in Kokichi's hands pressed against yours. "I understand if you don't feel the same way." He began to move hands away. You held on. "I like you too." You confessed with a smile.

"Really?" He seemed shocked, but started to smile. He wasn't a big hugger, but .. he knew it made you happy. Anything that made you happy, made him happy too. Kokichi hugged you, nuzzling his head against your chest. "I love you y/n. I-I really do." Kokichi said, a bit more happiness in his tone.

Afterwards, the two of you headed inside. Kokichi had made some snacks for you. "A-Are you comfortable? I can find more blankets for you if you want." He said, cutting on the tv before sitting next to you on the couch. "I'm okay, don't worry about it!" You assured, pulling him closer. And so, you both snuggled and fell asleep together :)

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