Servant! Nagito Komaeda x Reader "Aren't You Going To Feed Me?" [EDITED REPOST]

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cw: dubious consent, degradation, & vomit. overall pretty gross.

originally written in 2021 (?) repost. i just edited it a little. :) still quite old writing and it's shitty but i'll repost it anyways for the ppl that are down real bad.


After days of being in this mysterious cell, your wrists ached something awful from the tight cuffs bound around them. You felt sudden vibrations from outside, causing you to straighten your back up to more of a sitting up position. "H-Hello? Is someone there?" You called out, awaiting for that damned door to open. "Hello?" You shifted up onto your knees, squinting your eyes at the bright light peeking from the door as it slowly opened. "Is someone there?" You tilted your head, watching it fully open, only to see a complete stranger.

It wasn't just any stranger though. Your eyes glanced over his body, right up to the white hair and chain around his neck. You felt a soft gasp leave your mouth, finally meeting his eyes. Nagito walked over to you, keeping his eyes dead set on you. He dropped the tray in front of you, leaving a loud clatter to echo through the little room. "Well, go on. Eat it." Nagito said briskly, pushing towards you with the tip of his shoe. "I-Uh.." You looked down at it. A cup of milk, and a bowl of .. (what you could only assume was oatmeal) sat in front of you. You swallowed hard, hesitantly looking back up Nagito. "I don't think I can." You said, pulling a the chains behind your back. "Ah, why didn't I think of that?" He scolded himself, carefully kneeling down in front of you. He took the bowl in his hands, the sound of his chain scraping the ground as he leaned in closer.

"Say 'Aaah' for me!" Nagito held the spoon up to your mouth, awaiting you to follow that request with a small smile. You froze up - you weren't used to someone, Especially not (a complete stranger?!) someone like him being so close to you. "Do you want me to do it for you?" He went to grab your face. "N-No!" You shouted out. If this wasn't embarrassing enough, you certainly didn't need him touching you.

You sighed, slowly opening your mouth up for Nagito. "Ah, see .. not too bad, is it?" He said, shoving the spoon past your lips, deep into your mouth. "Gh!" You almost choked at the taste, but swallowed anyway.  Sure, it was unpleasant to stare right back at him inches away from your face, feeding you whatever that was. He pulled the spoon out, sticking it back into the bowl. You swallowed again, trying to get that taste out of your mouth. "What is it?" He asked, sounding a bit confused. "God, what the hell is that?" Your tone turned from fear to disgust. "It's supposed to be oatmeal, but you see .. I couldn't look up a recipe or anything." Nagito explained. "What did you put in it then?"

"It depends. What're you supposed to put in oatmeal?" He asked, swirling the spoon around in it. "Oats?" You replied. Isn't it obvious? You asked yourself.  "Oh." Nagito let it go. "Well, I was sure to add in the rendered fat, and other.. special .. ingredients." He lowered his voice, just before laughing to himself. "Okay?" You looked around, wishing you could just get away from this weird man. "Don't look so concerned, y/n. You don't have anything to be afraid of, I promise." Nagito began, lifting his left hand up towards your cheek. 

How did he even know your name?? You asked yourself. (It wasn't even the strangest thing that was happening.)

"Now that you know, shall we?" He picked it back up. "No! I-I don't want to eat anymore of that!" You said, shaking your head. "It can't be that bad. Or do you not want to eat? Do you want to die here? Sure, its.." He turned around to peek out the door. "Not pretty .. But, I .. I don't want to lose you." He turned back, sounding oddly sincere for a total stranger.

"Then .. Then why don't you try it?" You suggested. "Me? Oh-, I .." Nagito blinked, looking down at it. "I-I .. I suppose I could." He mumbled, all color leaving his already pale face. He lifted it up, taking a spoon full into his mouth. "Mmmph-" He winced himself, grabbing the bowl. "Don't spit it out!' You exclaimed, watching his eyes flicker right back up to you. "Hm." Nagito nodded, grabbing your face to pull you closer.

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