"Relax." Shuichi Saihara / Reader (nsfw)

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alternative title: "get (time.) off."

this was requested by vadjacentpots !! thank you! :) i hope you like this >.< i hope it's good 😭😭😭😐 SORRY ITS KINDA SHORT ERRMMMM—-

taking place post game! ^_^

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It was late when you returned home, taking steady steps through the hallway. You hoped your partner, Shuichi, Had taken the night off. He had been caught up in work and tying up any loose ends on some case. You hated to see him this way. Especially when he barely paid attention to you! "Shuichi!" You sweetly called his name out, hoping to hear some sort of response. But there wasn't one. Maybe he was asleep? You hoped so. There was no shame in him catching up on rest. All these thoughts clouded your head as you made your way to your bedroom. It was hard to keep yourself from worrying about him. You'd grow a little frustrated as well. He never paid you any attention when he got like this! You knew Shuichi had the best intentions with you though. He was only caught up in work .. but you were getting a little caught up yourself.

You paused right before your bedroom door, assuming he didn't need you bothering him. But you missed him so much! So much! Tender fingers pressed against the door, pushing it fully open. As truthfully expected, he was still perched over his desk. Feigning over some stupid case and not you! Nonetheless, you stared at the back of his (pretty..) head. Aimlessly staring down at the documents and papers sprawled across his desk. He definitely didn't need you interrupting. (oh well!) You left those thoughts in the hallway, carefully striding into the bedroom. You glanced at the bed and noticed the state. It hadn't been made up. Shuichi seemed to be nocturnal to you. He would stay up until dawn finishing work, frequently falling asleep in the afternoon. This left you no time to spend with him! Not alone, at least. You crept up to his desk chair and paused just behind him. You slowly bent down, enough to carefully hook your arms around his neck from behind. Enough to press your cheek against the side of his face. "Shuichiiii.." You whined, tightly hugging him. (to the best of your abilities.) He felt very warm! Poor thing.

He leaned against your embrace, letting out a hum. "A-Ah-Y/N?" He questioned, (acknowledged?) your presence, momentarily letting go of the pen between his fingers. "Did you need something?" He asked. "Hmph." You sighed, leaning your head against his shoulder. "You've been in here all night, Shuichi." You pointed out, closing your eyes. "I've been so torn with this case, y/n. It's driving me half-mad." He explained, pushing a file inches away with his pinkie finger. "Daw..." You pouted, lifting your head up. "You poor baby." You pitied him and his stress! "I know-" You lowered your voice, inching your mouth closer toward the exposed skin of his neck. "You've been so busy.." You began, breath stinging against his skin. "Don't you want to relax?" You asked, pressing your lips against the skin. (it was a gentle touch of the mouth, not too rough. not too ... intense.)

He stuttered out your name in trembling vowels, feeling your warmth subside. "I don't have time to relax.. I-I— Y/N, I can't-" (it isn't that he didn't want to..) Despite his excuses packed on top of more excuses,  you crouched down to your knees and drowned them out. "Shuichi," You sweetly repeated his name, shuffling yourself directly between his thighs. (hoping you wouldn't hit your head on the desk.) "Don't you wanna loosen up? Huh?" You questioned, gazing up at him. What a pitiful face! He looked so tired! So embarrassingly flushed with crimson red. You definitely made him nervous. "Y-Y/N? What're you doing?-" He was quite confused. (missing your ideation.)

You slid your tender fingers up his thighs, pausing by his hips. "Huh, Huh? Just relax, okay?" You spoke calmly, pressing against the clothed skin.  He looked down at you, unable to properly react to your proposition. He had an .. idea as to what you were up to. Still! "You're so cute when you're flustered." You whispered, glancing down at his naval. You pushed his shirt up, pressing your fingertips against the bare skin. He was warm and smelled a bit of musk. He had been busting his ass on this case. Had he not bathed? Nonetheless, you found it to be pretty appealing. "There-? Y/N,-" He took in a hitched breath at the touch. "Mnmhm-" You pressed your mouth against his lower stomach, placing your free hand between his thighs. "Ah-Y/N - You .. " He awkwardly laughed, stiffening up at your touches.

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