"Playing Dangerous." Nagito Komaeda x Reader [nsfw]

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mwahahaaa!!!!!!! nobody can stop me from churning out komaeda content. >:) Okay. I blame Lana Del Rey for this one. Okay. liberals. Call the cops. I will have sex with them. (cross posted from ao3)

cw: fem reader, inexperienced type beat. if that might bother anyone.


You were barefoot on the pavement, a little shy in your nightgown. "Officer, I swear .. The house was already on fire." You tried defending yourself, but it wasn't much use. You were pushed up against the side of the car, (roughly, might I add.) "Officer, I-" Komaeda sighed, carefully pushing your head against the cold car. "Could you be quiet? I don't really care for any more of your lies."

"Hmph." You let out a breath, barely pushing back against his crotch pressed on you. "Do you really have to do that?" You lifted your head up. An attempt to look at him, but you weren't exactly a match to this authority figure. "They're really tight .. And cold .." You pleaded, though cooperating with this hottie of a police officer. "Officer - Are you going to arrest me? I promise I didn't do anything."  The weight against your back resided, hearing his boots rub against the pavement when stepping back. "You're only being detained .. Miss .." You turned around to face him again. (with a smile.) "Y/N." You smiled, leaning your back against the window. "So .. Mister .." You squinted your eyes at his name tag. Gold with black print. "Komaeda." You spoke confidently as if knowing your pronunciation was proper. "Mister Komaeda," You repeated, watching the poorly hidden fluster in his face. (surely he had been referred to that way in a professional manner. why was this any different?)

"Do you always work alone so late? Don't you get .. lonely?" You tilted your head. He was only about a foot away from you, moving his gloved fingers off of his uniform microphone. (what alluring leather gloves!) Were you making him nervous? "I'm the one who's supposed to be asking you questions, Miss y/n." Nagito stepped closer. Close enough that the tips of your shoes could touch.  "Really? You can ask me anything you want." You pushed yourself off the car. (the best you could with handcuffs on.) "Anything." You whispered, staring up at grey-tinted eyes in the dim night. 

"Miss .. y/n." The way he said your name was stern, but kind. "Do you understand the consequences of such reckless behavior?" He asked, resting his arm by your head. (what attractive hands pressed against the top of the car!) "You could've seriously injured someone. Or even .. yourself." He inched closer to you. Why so concerned for a stranger? "Officer Komaeda.." You frowned, "I would never do something like that. Everybody knows that I'm a good girl." You smiled, eyeing down the frustration in him. "C'mon, Officer .. Do you really think a sweet girl like me would do that?" You questioned.

He was so close to you! and so attractive! The blush on your face had to be noticeable. A heavy sigh from him. You even felt how hot his breath was. "I can't prove that." He seemed defeated. "Even so .. You're only making this harder for yourself .. Miss y/n." The fingers next to your head were firmly pressed down as if containing a tremble. "Am I?" You trailed off, pushing one of your bare feet against the boot closest to you. "I'm the sweetest girl in this town, Officer." You pressed your foot down, "So why would I do something like that?" You kept your gaze on him. Oh, God. You were really into this police officer. His poker face was not working. (was into you too?!)

"I appreciate your desperation .. " He began, pressing a hand against your arm. "Though, isn't honesty more valuable?" He carefully moved you to the side, opening the car door. "Go on." He stepped out of the way, holding it open for you. "Huh? Oh .. Really? Mister Komaeda? Please?" You asked of him, obliging nonetheless. The seats were soft at least. He seemed fed up with you. But willing to .. manage. The other door opened, revealing that hot officer! You were so excited about this. You weren't a badge bunny or anything. This guy just happened to be so charismatic and hot ...

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