Ibuki Mioda x Skater! Fem! Reader Fluff (discontinued)

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I don't know shit about skate parks I'm sorry tsjhsfshfitsdgidkg bare with me. I'm not skilled with x reader writing so ALSO bare with that! this is for the one and only purplenursery

You were at your local skate park, sitting on a nearby bench by yourself while trying to cool down. As you perched one leg up onto the bench with the other on the ground, you watched people fly past you on their skateboards. You sipped a monster energy drink, almost choking when a certain girl rode past you.  A girl with torn blue and purple stockings, what seemed to be a school uniform, but it looked a bit more casual and unique to you.

Your eyes followed her as she skated past you, your face flushing a bit pink. "Gh! What am I doing??" You asked yourself, getting up. You wanted to talk to her but .. something held you back. As you got back up, you set down your drink. It had gotten hot anyway and tasted like ass. You tossed down your skateboard and got back on, heading back to the park. Some reason, you just couldn't get that girl off your mind. You looked over, and there she was!! Since you were too busy looking at her, and not your feet, you felt your skateboard slide out from beneath you.

You frantically stuck your arms to catch yourself, but it was too late. With a loud impact, you hit the concrete, skinning up your knees and palms. "Damnit!" You groaned, sitting up. "Ibuki saw you fall! Are you okay?!" You heard a sweet voice say. You looked up. It was her! It was the cute skater girl from earlier!

"Are you okay?" She crouched down, taking out her earbuds as she got down to your level. "Ah! Y-Yes!" You nodded, feeling your face burn. You glanced to your knees and hands, that had began to bleed a bit. "You're bleeding!" She exclaimed, and grabbed your hand. You started to mentally freak out. "Hold on! Ibuki falls all the time, she knows just what to do!" The girl pulled out a handful of neon bandaids from her bra. "What's your name?" She asked, opening one of the bandaids. "Umm .. It's Y/N." You told her, not knowing how to feel about her hands on your own. "Y/N?" She repeated. It felt nice to hear her say your name.

"Y/NNNN!!" She smiled, gripping your hand. "We're gonna be best friends, I can already tell." She said, beaming. "Really? We just met." You questioned. "You should never question fate!" She nodded confidently. "I'm Ibuki .. I,Buki,Mio,Da! Put it together and what do you get? Ibuki Mioda!!" She said, a glimmer in her eye.

You blushed even more, that was mad cute ..

After sticking some bandaids over your hands, she started opening a few for your knees. "How long have you been coming to this skate park, y/n?" She asked you, looking up from the bandaid in her hand. You hesitated, feeling flustered under her gaze. "Not very long." You answered.

"I figured, I definitely would have noticed such a cute girl like you sooner!" She said, laughing. Cute? She called you cute! "Same with you..." You said without thinking. "Awwww!" She blushed a bit herself. "Ibuki has been coming here for a while but, she gets lonely." She pouted. "Buuuuuuut! Ibuki has y/n now!" She pressed a bandaid over your knee. You were surprised at how friendly she was being. You had heard of social butterflies but she was .. a bit extra.

After she finished putting your bandaids on, she stood up, and held a hand out to you. "Th-Thank you, Ibuki." You thanked her, taking her hand. "No need to thank me! It was my pleasure." She assured you, not letting go of your hand. She handed you one of her earbuds. "Do you listen to girl in red?" She asked, tilting her head. "Do you?" You asked, taking the earbud. You put it in, hearing the lyrics of "Girls" by girl in red, but .. it wasn't Marie singing. And frankly, it sounded VERY different.

"Is this you?" You asked, watching her eyes light up. "Ibuki loves girl in red, so Ibuki put her own spin on it!" She explained, putting the other earbud in her ear. "I really like it!" You said. "You do?"

"Ibuki is sooo happy!!" She grabbed your other hand, and began spinning you around. "Usually people don't like my music .. but .. I'm glad you do!" She laughed. "Come on!" She said, pulling you by the hand. "Woah! Where are we going?" You asked, trying to follow along. "This restaurant nearby, It's the best!" She told you, leading the way. "They have Ibuki's favorite milkshakes. You'll love it, y/n!"

Once the two of you made it to the restaurant, Ibuki took you up to a bar and  sat beside you. You watched her order a milkshake, with all kinds of toppings on it. "How about it y/n? What do you want?" She turned to you. You looked up at the menu on the wall, feeling her eyes linger on you as you ordered. "Got it." The waitress wrote it down, and look back at you and Ibuki. "I hope you two enjoy your date!" The waitress smiled, and walked off. "Thank youuu!" Ibuki waved. "Date?" You blinked, looking over at her.

The waitress soon came back with your milkshakes, handing them to you and Ibuki. "Sooo .." She leaned over, picking the cherry off your milkshake. "Do you believe in fate?" She asked, swirling the straw around in her milkshake. "What're you talking about?"

"Weeeeelllll .." She leaned back in her stool. "Ibuki thinks her and y/n are destined!" She said. "D-Destined?" You coughed on your milkshake. "Y/N." She placed her hand on yours. "I-I know we just met but .. Ibuki feels a very strong connection between her and y/n!" She said, intertwining your fingers with hers. Her face was even redder than before. "You feel it too, don't you?" She asked, noticing the blush on your face. "I-I guess so .." You said.

"Yaaaayyy!!" She threw her arms around you, almost knocking your milkshakes over. She pulled away, staring at you. "I-Is there something on my face?" You asked, quickly wiping your mouth. "Ah! No! No! I was just thinking, I would love to give you a makeover!" She smiled. "Makeover?"

"Yessss! Ibuki would love to do your hair, and your makeup, and maybe put you together some outfits." She brought her hands up to her face and smiled. "Awwwhhhh! Y/N would look so cool!"

"I mean .." She looked you up and down. "You already do look really pretty!" She said. "I really like your style, y/n. I know sometimes people can hate on what you wear, or what you do or like .. but .. Ibuki thinks you should do what makes you happy! Ibuki loves to see a smile on your face!" She leaned in towards you, then bursted into laughter.

"What's so funny?" You asked. "It's just .. Y/N looks so cute when she's blushing!" She snorted, almost falling off the stool. "A good taste in music, she skates, she's cute, she's sweet .. keep it up and Ibuki might start falling for you!" She said. "I'm guessing you have a type?" You asked.

"I wouldn't say I have a type .. Ibuki goes for anyone who catches her eye .. and y/n just happened to!" She booped your nose. "Oh! Oh! y/n!" She exclaimed, grabbing your hand. "Let's go!" She said, dragging out of the restaurant. "Wha-What?" You asked. "Ibuki's going to give you a makeover!"

Once she took you to the mall, she led you by the hand into a hot topic. "Are you sure about all this, Ibuki?" You asked, carrying a couple things she picked out for you. "Of course!" She said, walking up to the register. A boy with black hair, and neon rainbow colored bangs behind the counter looked past you. "Hey, Ibuki." He waved, then looked at you. "Haajimeee!" She threw an arm around you. "This is y/n. I found her at the skate park." She explained, setting the items in front of him. He looked up, meeting your eyes. "I'm sorry." He said, then looked back down the stuff she was buying.

"That'll be like 43.68." Hajime said, fucking around with the cash register. "Ibuki! You don't have to spend this much on me." You tried, pulling out your wallet. "Ibuki says it's okay! Ibuki wants to do this for y/n!" She assured, paying. Afterwards, you and her left and headed for Ibuki's house.

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