" Im Okay if You're Okay. " Comforting! Nagito Komaeda x Reader

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I was feeling sad and was listening to Ricky Montgomery and umm wrote this to feel better. :) ( cross posted on ao3 )



"Huh?" You rolled over in bed, and cracked open your eyes. "The .. door?" You sat up, sniffling. "Whatever. They'll go away." You tossed yourself back in bed.

but ..

they kept knocking.

"Who could that even be??" You asked, finally getting out of your room.

You made it to the door, shakily unlocking it. "Huh?" You backed up a bit, seeing no one other than Nagito Komeada. The Ultimate Lucky Student. He stood in your doorway, holding a local market store bag in his hands. "I-I know my appearance is sudden, and if you want me to just leave I completely I understand .." He began. "But, I couldn't help but notice you in class today." Nagito said. You swallowed hard. Of course he noticed.

You had dragged yourself to school that day, doing everything you could to keep it together. You knew you couldn't keep missing school. Even if it was hard ..

"You seemed down." Nagito said, looking at his feet. "So, I wanted to come by."

"To see me?" You questioned, blinking. "Ah! I can go - you don't need trash like me in your apartment anyw-"

"No! I didn't mean it like that." You grabbed his arm. "Come in, please."

and so, you led him into your room. "You have a beautiful bedroom, y/n .." Nagito was in awe as he looked around. "I-Uh .. thanks." You smiled, climbing onto your bed. You pushed the covers away, making room for him to sit beside you. "You didn't have to go through the trouble of coming by, Nagito." You said.

He looked a bit hurt with those words, but sat in front of you on the bed nonetheless. "You're right. You really deserve someone better but .. I wanted to." The white haired boy said. "I got you something!" He handed you a cloth bag from the store. "I hope you like it. I put a lot of thought into it." He sounded happy. "Aww .. thank you, Nagito." You smiled, feeling a faint blush grow on your face.

You set the bag in your lap, pulling the contents out. The first thing was a white, fuzzy teddy bear. "That's so cute!" You exclaimed, holding it against your chest. The look of anxiety on his face quickly switch over to flustered. He fumbled with his jacket strings, watching you take out the next thing. A coffee cup with hot chocolate mix by it. "There's .. two?" You pulled out another. "Oh .. " Nagito laughed a bit, blushing.

"I got one for both of us. I thought we could have some together." He explained. "Do you have time tonight? We could do that." You said, about to put the bag away but .. there was something on the bottom of it. "Hm?" You pulled it out. A envelope.

"What's this?" You lifted it up. "I must have left that in there! it's noth-" Before he could finish his sentence .. you had already began opening it. You took out out, and began to read it under your breath.

"Y/N .. If I were honest, I would write letters days on end for you. I'd love to tell you how I feel but .. why would such an amazing person as you love me? i feel so unworthy to lie eyes on you. but, i can't stay away from the ways you treat me. the way you say my name .. nobody has ever been so kind or so .. sensational .. toward me. i see your face, i hear your voice .. and i feel complete. i don't need anyone else but you. you'll never see this, or even know but .. i love you, y/n. "

You looked up from the letter, gently holding it between your fingers. "Do you really feel that way?" You asked, setting it on your bed. "Y/N .." Nagito started to get up. "I shouldn't have bothered you - I'm sorry." He went for the door. "Nagito! Nagito, please." You took his arm, feeling tears well in your eyes. "Please. Don't leave me." Your lip quivered. Knowing he felt the way he did .. you needed him there.

"Y/N?" He turned around, letting go of the doorknob.

You tightly wrapped your arms around him, sobbing against his chest. "D-Don't cry!" Nagito said, slowly hugging you back. You felt his warm embrace hold you closer. "It's gonna be okay. You're .. You're not alone." He said, gently holding your head against his chest. "I know how much it hurts, y/n." Nagito began. "But, just know .. it'll be okay. It'll always get better. You can give up yet!" He pulled away to look you in the eyes.

"You can't fall into despair y/n." Nagito said, taking your hands in his. "You're stronger than you think." He told you, sliding his hands up your arms. As he pulled you closer to him, he smiled. "You have to hold onto hope! when you don't feel like you can do it .." Nagito brought a hand up to your face, smearing away a tear. "I'll always be here to assure you .. that you can." He said, kissing your forehead.

"I won't let anything hurt you, I promise." He nodded, bringing you back into a hug. "I love you more than anything y/n." He whispered, running a free hand against your back. "Im an utter wreck without you." He confessed.

"Where would I be if I lost you?" Nagito asked. You pulled away from him, wiping away any stray tears. "What are you talking about? Do you really care that much?" You asked, looking back at Nagito standing before you.

"Y/N .." He frowned a little. "Of course I do. I can't live without someone like you. You're my only hope. You're the one I need." He said, placing his hands on either side of your face. You looked up at him, seeing his own watery eyes. "Words express how much I care. If anyone can convince me it's okay, y/n .. it's you. And I'd like to do the same." He rubbed his thumb across your cheek.

"It doesn't matter what people say. You'll always mean something to me. I'm always here for you." Nagito said, meeting your eyes.

"No matter what. I'll always love you. Somewhere in my heart .. i just can't let you go. And .. I don't plan to either. I love you, y/n."

You let those pent up tears run down your face, nodding.

"I need you here to stay." Nagito said, pressing his lips against yours. "Can you do that for me?" He asked you. "Nagito I-I .." You choked up on your words. "I love you." You shook your head, hugging him.


Your got chocolate had gone cold, but that was the least of your worries. You had found yourself cuddled up with Nagito, forgetting everything and everyone else in the world. "Thank you .. Y/N." Nagito said, lifting his head up to meet your eyes. "For what?" You asked.

"For being here. There's nobody else I feel so .. safe around." He hummed, holding you closer. "I love you, so much." He said, and kissed your cheek. You could feel him smile as he did so, lighting your heart up inside.

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