"tents. pt.2" nagito komaeda x reader [nsfw]

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cross posted from ao3 :)

Disruptive beams of sunlight peered through the thin material of a (small,) two person tent. It was inkling towards noon by now, sleeping in late was reserved for weekends alone. Not camping trips!

There was a soft crinkling noise as you moved in closer to a sleeping Komaeda, breaths quiet and slow. Close. Close enough to see how drenched in sweat he was. How he lay on his belly, with the side of his pale cheek against a hot pillow. You felt guilty for having to be the one to wake someone else up. Being in that situation yourself .. was irritating at best. "Heyy-Heyyyy .. Nagito? Are you still asleeep?" You asked, about three inches from him. Unfortunately, your sweet words weren't enough. You hated waking people up. "Fine." You sighed, taking matters into physical options.

The sudden touch of his shoulder was enough to jolt him awake. Did he sense it was you? ..

"Oh-! Hey! It's just me." You smiled,
"I came back in to check on you.." You explained, your voice smooth and comforting to hear first thing in the morning. (Afternoon.)

The first thought to come to mind was .. you cared? Did you really care about him?

"I didn't wanna wake you up, really." You sighed, a bit remorseful. "But, I was starting to think you died or something."

Nagito sat up, rubbing an equally warm palm across his forehead, struggling to meet your persistent eye contact. It wasn't that he didn't want to make (intimate.) eye contact. It was how difficult it was. Your gaze would stay on him, unfortunately. It almost felt like torment. Staring back at the face he knew he couldn't have. Staring back at you. And you seeing him ..! He said your name in a breath, assuring you, (for the thousandth time.) not to waste your time worrying about his sorry being. "I'm surprised .. Huh. It seems like weren't mauled by wild animals out here." Nagito pointed out the obvious. "I'm sure if that were to happen, they would attack me before they would you." He spoke with a smile as if it were a compliment. (Was it?) "Right." An exhale out of your nose signified humour in that comment.

You began pulling out a fresh pair of clothes for the day. Of course, He had his own matters to attend to. Tearing sleepy eyes off you, Komaeda hardly had the chance to shuffle his jeans back up his lower body before you were interrogating him. "Hey Uhmn-" You paused, breaking the silence. (between the cicadas and jangling of his wallet chain.) "

"Could I have my shirt back?"

Mid-Redressing himself, he completely froze at that sentence. (question?)

Between his nonsensical words, he definitely hadn't forgotten about that. Though he certainly hoped you would have. He didn't reply, but let out a trembling breath. A moment of vulnerability showing in your presence. Your shirt. Your shirt! God. Why wouldn't you want that back? It was yours after all. That poor shirt. You know, the one he tainted as a cum rag. A cum rag that smelt like you. "Ah .. I guess I forgot about that. Isn't that rude of me?" He scolded himself, turning his back from you to his carry on that he had shoved it in.

He hoped this wouldn't happen. He hoped he wouldn't replay the mental image of your still body laying by him in the dead of night. He hoped he wouldn't feel the phantom strokes of his achy fingers against his cock for you. The more he thought about the memory, the stranger and more intense it had become. In dreadful silence, Nagito mock sifted through his things, knowing damn well it was there.

He couldn't just hand it over. How would you react to that? Receiving your own article of clothing, stained with his own filthy semen. "You know what-You can keep it." You dismissed it, (to his relief.) A wave of relief washed over him. He choked down the urge to thank you. That would be weird. he would desperately hold on to whatever "love" he had for you over this.

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