"Puppy Love." Nagito Komaeda / Reader [nsfw]

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cross posted from ao3 ^_^
something is wrong with me. i hope you like this! i have a ginormous soft spot for this man and i love him hardcore. anyways. someone on ao3 made a comment about something or another so i wanted to write him like this more. because i'm deranged. i hope you like it !!!


"I love you." Three words can mean so much, but so little. It can become so insignificant, but not to Nagito. It meant the world to hear that! That's all he ever wanted. To be loved. Especially by you. It had to be you. It always needed to be you.

He would be sure you knew it as well.  You'd spend a few days a week at work, leaving him to his own vices. It wasn't like you were separated too often though. He would always show up with a gift for you, (in various categories. these gifts would span from flowers to letters, or knick-knacks just for you! or things you wouldn't want to open at work.) Or maybe he just wanted to see you. To be around you. He was like a puppy. (love me, love me, love me..) and you did. You certainly did.

You didn't even have to work. Surely Nagito could keep the both of you up for a while. But; You liked the field you were in! You didn't mind his visits. (your coworkers might've. y/n's partner is back. he's rambling on about something called hope. maybe that's why he liked you so much. you'd listen to him.)

It wasn't like Komaeda had much of a social life anymore. Why would he need anyone else when he had you? (he wouldn't really keep up with mutual friends. but you were the one he wanted to be around. you were the one he felt for, loved, and needed. that's all it was. he was preoccupied with you. You were the only person who ever treated him that way. that's something to brand onto his inner monologue.) Then there was the issue of his own existentialism. Maybe it was too late for goodbyes and his routine breakdown pleads for you to leave him. (before you were just as bad as he was.) It never worked though, because; there you were. Pulling off your shoes at the front door. Maybe that's why he was waiting for you in the kitchen. You didn't have to announce you were home. Nagito knew exactly when you would come back.


You'd tighten your arms around his back in a welcoming embrace, pressing that pretty face of yours against his chest. You were able to hear his heartbeat. (casually irregular around you.) When you were close to him, he felt something he had never felt before. You were warm and familiar. "Uhmn - I'm sorry I was gone so long," You muffled out, sighing against him. "Apologizing.." He replied to you, carefully sliding fingers down the back of your neck. "You don't need to do that."

"I know .. I just-"

"You're here now!" He pulled away from you, "Isn't that enough to make it up to me?" (not that you had to.) He questioned, staring back at you for a response. Anxiously, might I add. "If you put it that way." You smiled, letting your tension out in a heavy breath. "I'm happy to be back. It was so boring today." You sighed, taking stocking-footed steps toward the bedroom. "How unfortunate .." You heard Nagito's voice behind you; though, you didn't have to turn around. You could feel his presence lingering not too far behind. "Mhmn." You hummed, what a pretty sound it was.

You'd circle right into the bedroom, leaning against the mattress. (far enough for your back to lie flat,) "I'm assuming you had a .. unfortunate day." He paused by the edge of the bed. "Yeahhh-" You stretched out, prodding his stomach with your foot. (gently.) "What did you do?" You asked, staring up at him. You know he didn't really do anything. Maybe he skimmed the books you recommended? Carefully running fingers past the lines you scribbled under with an ink pen? Nagito related whatever you understood, no matter how unrelated it actually was.

"Well - I .." He paused, glancing down at his naval, a bit demeaned at the pressure. "Anticipated your return." He admitted. (it was a little embarrassing!) "Huh." You smiled anyways, bringing nothing but knots in his belly. Such a pretty smile! Such a sweet voice! "Nagito-" You leaned back, "Can you - Can you take my stockings off for me?" You asked, how exhausted you were from the day!  "Of course!" He was quick to oblige, "It's the least I can do,"He began, taking up your request. His fingers were quick to slide up your thighs, leaving goosebumps against the delicate skin. (you, in turn, were fine china!) Pausing halfway, leaving fingers hooked beneath your stockings. Leaving his skin pressed against yours.

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