nsfw! yandere! nagito komaeda x reader

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You didn't know how it happened.
All you knew was that Nagito had gotten into your room, and was covered in blood.

"You've always got me thinking that I'm gonna get you, Y/N." He raised his voice, striding towards you. You crossed your arms, backing up a bit. "But.." His smile fell. "I never do." He looked off. "Someday," He began, grabbing your hands. "You'll love me as much as I love you!" He nodded, losing whatever sanity he had left in his eyes.

"Nagito! You need to leave." You said, trying to pull your hands back. "You just don't realize it." He brought your hand up to his cheek, smiling at you. "What're you going on about?" You questioned, getting fed up at this point. The pale left his face, replaced with more of a red tone.

"I did this for you!" He exclaimed. "Is .. Nagito, what did you do?!" You asked, pulling your hand away. He looked hurt, but continued. "It was all for you! The perfect murder! All for you!" He brought his hands up to his face. "Murder?" You repeated, backing up until you bumped into your bed. "What's wrong with you?! G-Get away from me!" You screamed.
"Nobody can get between us ever again. It'll just be me and you. . ." He said.

"What are you talking about?!" You asked, feeling tears form in your eyes. "I don't mean to scare but .. I'm obsessed with you, Y/N.
You're all I need! I-I'm in love you!" "Wh-" You paused. "I-I don't . . ." You shook, not knowing how to reply. You watched his smile fall into a look of anticipation. "I can't accept your confession." You said, fearing his reaction.

"Please! Just leave me alone!" You begged. "Don't you get it? I'm all you need now!" He nodded. You looked around, spotting the door. "I.." You began, but ran for the door. Your hand reached the door knob, but he grabbed your arm. He spun you around to face him. "Let go! You're-You're hurting me!" You struggled.

You felt the warmth of his lips press into yours as he moved his hands up to your face. You were reluctant, but pushed him off.. he kept talking. "That's it!" He laughed, pushing you back towards the bed. "Get off of me!" You shouted, pushing him away.

Before you knew it, he had pushed you against the bed. "You-You're crazy!" You cried, trying to sit up. He hovered over you, pinning you onto the bed. You were completely defenseless.
His hands pressed yours into the bed, interlocking your fingers. It almost felt nice to have someone else's hands against yours but .. "G-Get off of me!" You screamed, thrashing any way you could. It wasn't must use. "Even if I get away with this.." He slid a knife from his pocket. "Only I'll make it out of here alive. Without you." He looked away. "If I'm found guilty .. I'll die too." He mumbled. "Why did you do it?" You asked.

"I couldn't let (character of choice) get between us. The longer they lived, the chances of them getting you before I could grew stronger . ." He explained. "I couldn't take it. "They didn't deserve you. I know I don't either but, I couldn't take it!"

"That's it .." He smiled.

"Stop it! Shut up!" You shook your head. "You can be the corpse.." He brought the knife up to your cheek and slid the metal down it. "And I can be the killer." You winced, jerking your face away. You felt the blood run down your face.
He laughed to himself, and moved it away. He held the knife up, that look coming back to his eyes with a smile. "Do you want to die together? Y/N?" He asked.

You opened your mouth to say something, but not a sound came out. "The only way we can truly to be together, is the afterlife!"
"We can go out Romeo and Juliet style! A suicide pact except . . . I'll kill you first!" He cackled, nodding. "Let me try again. Do you want to die together, Y/N?" He asked you, bringing the knife up to your throat. "Yes I do." He whispered. "I-I-Um .. " You stuttered. He began rocking it side to side against your throat, awaiting an answer. " .. yes?" You lied.
"I'm so happy!" His eyes grew glassy, tears began to stream down his face. "Our first .. and last night together." He sighed. "Let's enjoy it, shall we?"

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