pretty! // miu iruma x insecure! reader fluff

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It was a pretty calm day, and a few of the girls had invited you to go to swimming with them to get your minds off of things. You didn't want to feel left out, so you decided to go along. You had a pretty small selection to chose from in your closet, so you had settle. Holding up the only swimsuit you had, you sighed. "Maybe I should just..stay here." You shook your head. "No, I wouldn't wanna flake out on them." You said, trying to keep a positive mindset.

As you tied the back of your top, you couldn't help but stare at the reflection your body in the mirror. You thought about the other girls..and then there was you.  Your eyes couldn't help but be drawn to all your "worse" features. Before you could change your mind, your doorbell rang. "Fuckin' A' Y/N!" What's taking you so long?" Miu shouted through the door. You swallowed, crossing your arms over your stomach. "I-I'm coming!" You hesitated.

"Are you taking a shit or something? We're all waiting on you.." She trailed off as you walked towards the door. Thoughts raced through your mind. "What will they think of me? Will they think I look fat? Will they make fun of me?"

Tears stung your eyes, but you opened the door anyway. "Took you long en-" She paused, her usual expression fading into a more worrisome one. "Are you.. crying, y/n?" She asked, her tone losing its enthusiasm. "Uhm..No, no! I'm fine." You shook your head and quickly rubbed your eyes. "What's up with you then?" She continued. You stepped out your room, closing the door, and looked back to what she wore.

A small pink was similar to yours. But of course, she looked better than you ever could. You thought, starting to walk toward the pool area with her. "Got a lingering gaze?" She asked you, smirking. "Huh?" You snapped back into reality-you must have been staring. "Oh..I'm sorry, Miu." You apologized quietly, crossing your arms. "C'mon, y/n." She stopped walking. "What's going on?"

You tightened the grip around your waist, trying to hold back the tears but..

"Y/N, Are you okay?

You couldn't take it anymore. "It's nothing! Really!" You tried, losing control of the tears that had began pouring down your cheeks. "It's just.." You sniffled, rubbing your palm across your face. "You and all the other girls, look so pretty.." You began, avoiding her gaze. "Whenever I see my body, I hate it. I hate it..I can't stand the way I look." You lowered your voice, tilting your head down. "You're all so beautiful! Your bodies are so slim and fit!" You moved your head back up to Miu. "Are you serious?"

"What?" You questioned her. "Y/N." She stepped closer, placing both her hands on your shoulders. "Don't talk about yourself like that! You've got the hottest body!" Her smile came back. You couldn't help but laugh a little at that remark. "Of course you're beautiful.." She slid her hands off your shoulders, holding onto your arms. "I don't care what any of those asshats say about you! To me, at least.." She let out a breath, laughing at her own words. "You're so fucking pretty." She glanced away, a faint blush spreading along her face.

"You're perfect." Her eyes softened, holding a steady smile. "Really?" You shrugged, doubting. "I wouldn't lie to you, y/n," She assured you, letting go of your arms. "Quit crying!" She rubbed your face with a laugh. "You're gonna make me cry too, dumbass!" She snickered, holding eye contact with you. There was a moment of both stood there for a second-before she pulled you close, wrapping her arms around you.

"You're cute, y/n." She laughed into your bare shoulder. You were a bit hesitant, but hugged her back. "Th-Thanks, Miu." You smiled. "Alright, Alright, enough of this cute shit.." She pulled back, blushing more than before. "We should meet up with everyone else, hm?" She said, taking your hand. "Yeah." You nodded, walking off with her.

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