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"What's the lowest number you've ever seen on your watch?" Jaehyun asked.

"Hmm, I have never seen anything below 25. I think my lowest one was love, right after a breakup." Taeyong explained. "I'm honestly pretty satisfied as a person. Even when one of my values gets low, I find a way to get it back to a semi-normal range." He tried to think back to all the times he had been worried about his levels, but all of his memories were few and far between. "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to brag, I don't know if it came off that way. I was trying to be honest."

"No, you didn't brag, don't worry. Of course, I can't say the same about myself, but I'm happy for you. I'm glad you don't have the added stress of letting them get too low." Jaehyun mentioned. He couldn't help but become sad as he thought about it more. How did Taeyong get so lucky? Why couldn't his friends be that lucky?

The more he thought about it, the more anger he felt towards the world. Life is unfair. Yet, he's still alive. How much should Jaehyun even complain about. He's met Taeyong, someone he can call his friend. Someone who cares for him. Someone who cared for him before he knew about any of his trauma. After he learned though, he stayed. That's how Jaehyun knew he was a good friend.

"Tae," he voiced the nickname. "Thank you."

Taeyong looked confused. "For what?"

"You have become my friend, someone I can trust. Someone I want to be around. You help when I'm sad. You make me feel better, happier. I need that." Jaehyun smiled. "You make me feel wanted. I'm proud to be myself with you."

Taeyong grinned from ear to ear but didn't say anything. Jaehyun reached his hand over to hold his arm. Taeyong panicked in his mind but decided to move to where he could grab Jaehyun's hand. He felt as though this could be platonic enough so Jaehyun wouldn't question it but Taeyong was freaking out. Is this what he wants?

"I wish I could've met you earlier in my life." Jaehyun said softly.


"You're going to graduate soon, and I feel like once you graduate we won't have stuff to talk about anymore. We will stop being friends." Jaehyun sighed. "I don't know what will happen then."

"Jaehyun, I don't want us to stop being friends either. We will just have to put in extra work to keep in touch, it's not that hard." Taeyong tried to comfort but it was hard to convince himself. After he graduates, he won't see Jaehyun everyday. They won't be able to have small talk as much as they do now.

Jaehyun is right, their friendship will fade away.

"Are you scared to graduate?" He asked.

"A little, I already have my plan and all, everything is set out for me. But I don't know if I want it yet. I want to wait another year, I'm not ready to go on a new adventure." Taeyong said a bit sadly.

"What's your plan?"

"I'm going to a university in Seoul to study architecture. It's driving distance from my house, so I don't have to live on campus. I'll still be in town a lot so you and I can find time to hang out." Taeyong told him.

Jaehyun smiled. "I'm glad."Jaehyun squeezed Taeyong's hand. "That should make it easier to stay in contact."

"Exactly, we will be fine."

They stayed like that for a little while longer until Taeyong pulled over to a nice view.

"Come on, let's make some memories." Taeyong said while climbing out of his car. He opened the back door and pulled out a carrier for something that Jaehyun didn't recognize. He waited outside the car until Taeyongs intentions were clear.

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