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The first home soccer game of the season is tonight. That means that soccer practice is cancelled for that day because the coach doesn't want to overwork them. They have about an hour and a half to spare before school gets out and everyone goes home, including Kun. Coach likes them to go get a light dinner and drink lots of water during that time but Jungwoo already knows what his plans are.

Lucas met up with Jungwoo in his car right after his last hour ended. Lucas gently grasped the his chin, pulling him close to where his lips brushed against the others. Jungwoo almost gave in but pulled back at the last second.

"Not yet." He smirked. "Otherwise we won't get home." Lucas sighed as Jungwoo turned his attention forward to start driving. Lucas dropped his hand from Jungwoo's chin to rest on his shoulder. Gentle traces of his fingertips on the exposed skin of his boyfriends collarbone. He learned that this drove Jungwoo crazy last year and has used it against him many times. With one glance down, Lucas could tell he is still affected by it as much as he always was. "Stop." Jungwoo whined. "I don't want to die and the people who find me see this." He motioned with his hand. Although Jungwoo was serious, Lucas couldn't take him seriously.

"Okay, okay. I'll be patient." Lucas said, moving to sit with his hands in his lap. He twiddled his thumbs, wishing he lived closer to the school. They both hummed along to the radio as Jungwoo drove on the empty street. He pulled up to the nice, two-story house. He put the car in park and glanced over his shoulder at Lucas.

"Let's go."

The emptiness of the house was calming to Jungwoo. He has been here when it was empty before, but every time recently, someone has always been home, forcing him to suppress his reactions.

Lucas led the way to his room, Jungwoo sat on the bed, preparing himself mentally as Lucas gathered the supplies. As Lucas set the last thing on his bedside table, Jungwoo got up and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy, beginning their typical process.

Minutes later, both relaxed their bodies, Lucas laying on his side beside his partner. Heavy exhales could be heard from both of the boys laying in each other's arms. Lucas checked the time, they still had 45 minutes before they need to head back to the school. He snuggled his head in the crook of Jungwoo's neck, feeling relaxed with the boy he loves but can't admit.


Yuta played offense on the field. He always played boldly, every game he treated as if it was his last. Only then could he feel as though he succeeded. Tonight's game was against a weak school, so they expected to get a win tonight. Taeil was sitting by Winwin and Hansol. Winwin doesn't truly know who Hansol is, only that he is dating Yuta. It's been a recent development, the effects in their friend group were just starting to take place. Hansol has been hanging out with that group for the past year, but becoming one of their groups boyfriends was never expected. Everyone knew he was closest to Yuta, but no one thought there was something more.

The September wind put a cold breeze on the boys throughout the game, causing them to cling to their jackets tighter. The boys all scrunched together as much as possible without being considered gay. Whenever Yuta would score a goal, Hansol would jump up and cheer for his boyfriend before sitting back down. To Taeil, it was cute. To Winwin, it was weird. He couldn't fathom how someone would do that in public. Winwin could never.


Even planes had bad memories for Jaehyun. His friend was absolutely terrified of planes. It's something Jaehyun will never forget, no matter how hard he tries.

During takeoff, he remembered his friend panicking about if the plane is going to go upside down, or if it will nose dive, or if they forgot to fill it with fuel.

Maybe if they forgot this time, Jaehyun could see his friends again.

Even the complimentary peanuts they give out bring back memories. Their first plane ride alone made Jaehyun nervous, so nervous that he inhaled the peanut and had to be saved by a fellow passenger as the other boy just laughed at his misfortune.

He remembers taking the trip to Washington D.C. with his class. Going through the buddy system, and messing around with his partner while the teacher tried to give directions. They ended up getting lost in Washington D.C., forever leaving Jaehyun with those memories.

He and his friend had a plan for their senior trips. They wanted to go to each other's hometowns before graduation. Jaehyun had already visited his friend's hometown this past summer with his friend's girlfriend tagging along. This summer they had planned to go to Jaehyuns hometown, Seoul.

Unfortunately, they will never get the chance to experience that together.


After the game, the three boys joined the soccer team to get their ice cream. Their school won the match, Yuta scoring 2 of their goals. Hansol congratulated him and bought his ice cream, but continued to hang out with the two boys he had been with for the rest of the night. He doesn't regret saying yes to Yuta, but he does feel pressured to act a certain way with Yuta now. He wishes that wouldn't have changed.

With one glance over to the boys next to him, Yuta quickly closed his eyes to get the image out of his head. Lucas, another offensive member was sitting next to Jungwoo, who was sitting on his hand. Everyone knew they were a couple, everyone knew what they did when they didn't attend the team dinners. That doesn't take away the shock Yuta felt when looking in the direction of the couple.

Lucas was massaging Jungwoo, who was obviously in a lot of pain from earlier events. Jungwoo is used to hiding his limp when he walks into his house, making sure his parents never find out. After soccer games, his limp gets worse. He has to act perfectly fine in front of the school, and then act more when he gets home. Not only does he have to hide the pain from sex but also the pain from soccer. His parents don't like that Jungwoo plays soccer and wishes that he would not participate in sports. They believe that if he shows any sign of pain then he will have to quit soccer, which takes him away from Lucas.

Winwin felt as awkward as usual, being with all these people he doesn't know the name of. "Taeil?" Winwin asked, getting the attention of his friend.

"Yeah?" Taeil responded looking into Winwin's eyes to see if something was wrong. He could tell something was happening in Winwin's brain that he wasn't willing to share with his friend.

"Uhh..." Winwin said, quickly shutting his mouth. "I was just going to go buy a shake, do you want anything?" He spoke fast. Taeil became suspicious of his friend, but figured it was just because he felt awkward at the moment.

"No I'm good, thanks though." Taeil said, leaving Winwin to buy a shake. He didn't actually want one, it had a lot of calories that he didn't need but he panicked when Taeil looked at him. He had to find something to say.

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