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Without Mark around, Haechan's family dynamic changed. Whenever Mark would leave, Haechan was forced to study for school. He had all A's and B's, but he needed to have all A's if he wanted to be able to have a life. He should be able to get all A's, Mark is able to.

Without Haechan around, Mark would spend time working out. Being on the swim team takes a lot of time out of his schedule, but having to always become more fit to get a faster time was the worst part. He had to work out for an hour every day outside of swim practice. Combined with school, homework, and his job of tutoring, Mark became stressed. His Physical Level was always nearing 100 but his Mind was always falling below 50.

Haechan is not sure what he wants to do after he graduates but he knows he needs to make money. His parents don't have enough money to get him through university but they are willing to help if he tries hard enough now. His father is an engineer and his mother is a biologist. Both parents expect him to find enjoyment in science because that's what they did, but it is quite the opposite. Haechan hates science and is struggling the most in that class. His favorite class is choir and Korean. Those two classes come easiest to him. His parents are not supportive of him making a career out of singing but that is his only plan.

Haechan started his math homework. He managed to convince his parents that if he listens to classical music while he works then he will understand the material better, but most of the time he has his headphones on, he is not listening to classical music. Most of the time he would just turn on some Michael Jackson songs and mumble the lyrics to himself.

He turned on one of his all time favorite songs, Billie Jean, and began working on the first problem. 'Billie Jean is not my lover, she's just a girl who claims that--' Haechan stopped singing seeing as he became to into the song and was about to attempt the note. He frowned to himself before continuing with the song 'but the kid is not my son'.

Mark went home to an empty house. He actually preferred it to be that way so he could exercise without bothering anyone in the house. He started doing laps around his couch, pushups, sit-ups, anything he could think of. He clicked on the physical level of his watch to check his heart rate. 117, not bad. He continued to work out until he heard the garage door open. He ran out of the living room he was exercising in and went to his room, getting out all his homework. The only downside to spending the night at Haechan's house is that they never did any homework together. They are in many of the same core classes, yet they don't help each other with the homework unless it is last minute. Haechan tries his hardest not to get to the point of cheating , but sometimes he feels as though life gets in the way and homework is not high enough on his priorities list. Mark almost never cheats on assignments, he knows if he starts then he will not stop.

Mark was just sitting down when his mother walked in his room. "Mark," she called before she entered. Mark set the pencil in his hand and looked up to the woman standing at his doorway.

"Hey mom." He smiled to her.

She smiled back at her son. "How was school today?"

"It was alright, nothing too special happened." Mark shrugged.

"How is Haechan and his family?"

"They are good, we went out for kimbap last night." He said, continuing to tell her the events of last night.

"Why don't you ever invite Haechan over?" She asked once Mark finished.

"You and dad aren't usually home in time for me to have people over." He said, pointing out that he is following their rules.

His mom thought about it for a minute, this is obviously something she was proud of Mark for doing but she wants Haechan's family to approve of her. "Haechan is different, he feels like family. Invite him to come over next time."

"What about tomorrow?" Mark asked knowing that tomorrow is Thursday, one of the days his mom doesn't get off work until 7. She thought about it and nodded.

"As long as Haechan's parents know there won't be any adults and I get your promise nothing bad will happen." She said sternly.

"God no, mom. Haechan and I are friends, that's gross." Mark exaggerated.

"Okay, have fun sweetie, don't stay up too late doing homework." She said as she walked out.

"I won't." Mark called through the door shutting. Mark bit his lip thinking, how was he going to tell Haechan to come over without making him think something was going to happen. Their relationship wasn't like that. At least, not that Mark believed.


After school that day Taeyong went over to Ten's apartment again. The ride over was incredibly awkward, filled with a really quiet radio and the occasional screech of the brakes. It felt as if Ten couldn't live any further away, even though he walks to school. To break the silence, Ten would give half-hearted directions to Taeyong, even though Taeyong knew exactly where he was going.

They reached the destination and clambered out of the car. Ten took a deep breath trying to become confident, despite not feeling it within him. After lunch, Ten spent more time than he should have thinking about what movie to watch tonight. "What's kind of movie do you want to watch?" Ten asked, making sure his voice doesn't show his nerves.

"I'm not sure, nothing that will make me tired." Taeyong told him. Ten thought for a second, wishing Taeyong would've chosen.

"How do you feel about Marvel movies?" Ten asked.

"I've never actually seen one." Taeyong admitted. Ten stopped dead in his tracks, causing Taeyong to run into him.

"No way you haven't. " Ten said, shocked. "It's an  extremely popular English thing but they have Korean translations."

"Oh okay. My family doesn't like watching movies. We haven't seen many."

Tens mouth was still agape from before. Taeyong moves his hand to shut Tens mouth.

"I'm fixing this." Ten was determined.

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