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"I swear to God, Mark." Haechan giggles. Mark was relentless. He knew Haechan was struggling to get air in his lungs.

"You swear what, huh?" Mark smiled knowing his friend couldn't do anything about it. He knew Haechan's most ticklish spots, and he planned to use them against him. "Say it, say I'm the best, Mark is the best at Mario Kart." Haechan screamed as Mark found more ticklish spots.

"You- you're the be-" Haechan tried before squirming away as much as possible, just to explode in a fit of laughter again. "Mark," Haechan screeched. "Sto-op."

Mark briefly stopped his attack, making sure to pin Haechan in place so he couldn't escape. Haechan stop breathing for a second but he forced himself to breath. In and Out. In and Out. In and Out. "Did you have something to say, Hyuck?" Haechan breathed audibly as he nodded.

"Mark," big breath. "You are the worst." Haechan smiled at his best friend who resumed his attack against Haechan, making him continue laughing until he couldn't breath.


Lunch on Monday was fine. Ten joined their group again today, ignoring everything that happened the day before. Taeyong tried his best to act normal and be his fun self, but on the inside he wasn't truly happy. Today he wore long sleeves so people couldn't easily see his watch. His Relations, Love, and Mind Levels were far too low, he was afraid someone would point it out. He wished Johnny was here, Johnny knows Taeyong doesn't like girls and he accepts him for that. Johnny has always been there to comfort him when he isn't feeling sure about himself. Unfortunately Johnny transferred to a different school. His new school has much brighter kids than the regular Seoul Public School. Taeyong is glad that his friend gets the opportunity, but he hasn't been able to see him in a long time. The boarding school starts in late June, meaning it's been two months since Taeyong last saw Johnny.

Memories of Johnny flooded Taeyong's mind as he ate his lunch. With each memory fading away, Relations was lowered by a point. Taeyong shook himself out of it, putting on a smile for his friends around him. His friends think of him as someone they should look up to. They know he's far from perfect but to them he's hot, popular, athletic, and everyone's dream husband. Taeyong is the co-captain of their schools swim team, partnered with Winwin. Winwin and Taeyong know each other are skilled in different areas of swimming, but that doesn't stop them from having friendly competitions. Every afternoon they race to see who can be the first to change and jump in the pool, they challenge each other on who can finish their warmups the fastest, and who can get changed back into normal clothes after practice. Taeyong usually wins the first two but Winwin almost always wins changing back into normal clothes.

Winwin is in his 11th grade year, while Taeyong is in his 12th. Most of the swim team still looks up to Taeyong the most because he is the oldest, but he tries to give Winwin credit for doing a good job.

Mark is in his 10th year. The way their school is set up, 9th and 11th years eat lunch together while 10th and 12th years eat together. Mark tends to sit with Taeyong's group and be associated with them because they are the 'popular kids'. Lunch is one of the only times of the day that Mark doesn't spend with Haechan.

Today, Taeyong was sitting next to Taeil, the quietest person at their table. Next to him was Yuta, then Hansol. The rest of the table was for the other 'popular kids' but Taeyong wasn't very close with them. He knew them from get togethers and mutual friends. The spot next to Taeyong quickly filled as lunch began. At first, Taeyong didn't think much about it until he decided to see who it was. Taeyong did his best to not let out an audible sigh as he looked at Ten.

"Hey," Taeyong muttered.

"I hope you don't mind, was anyone sitting here?" Ten asked confidently but politely. Taeyong shook his head.

"No, but I guess now you are." Taeyong smiled as he attempted to make a joke but instead made things more awkward between them. He coughed, looking away from Ten and focusing on the food in front of him. Taeyong always brought lunch from his house but some of his other friends, like Ten, had to pay for their school lunch.

"Taeyong, I want you to be comfortable around me, I'm sorry if I went too quickly, I wanted things to start out great when I moved here, and that's the only way I know how to." Ten admitted. Taeyong set his food back on the table and stared at it, willing himself to ignore Ten and not look at him. He saw a light on his watch start to shine brighter. His Relations Level was increasing. He sighed to himself.

"I get it, I just— I don't know, it felt way too fast." Ten nodded to Taeyong as if to say he gets it.

"Tell you what, come back over to my apartment tonight and we will just watch a movie or something." Ten suggested, his eyes lighting up in hopes that he would say yes.

Taeyong thought about it for a minute. "And nothing else will happen right?" He asked and Ten shook his head.

"Not unless you want it to happen." He winked and smiled at Taeyong, who just shook his head at the dirty boy sitting by him.

"Fine, deal." Taeyong said focusing on his food, not realizing his silent friend had overheard their whole conversation.


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