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TY: What class do you have before study hall?

JH: korean. Why?

TY: I was thinking that if you didn't have plans to work on homework, and of course, if you wanted, that we could meet for study hall so I can help you.

Jaehyun spent a couple minutes reading Taeyong's entire message before responding.

JH: that'd be great, where should we meet?

TY: Library?

JH: yeah


Jaehyun spent the night at Doyoung's. He borrowed some clothes from his friend, deciding to not leave him alone until at least tomorrow. All he needed to do was be there for Doyoung.

No one knows how long the boys held each other. Whispering comforting thoughts, hoping to make them happier. What started as seconds turned to minutes. Minutes turned to hours. Eventually, Doyoung fell asleep against Jaehyun. His unsteady breathing calmed, letting his body rest and allowing his brain to recover itself. Doyoung's mind was a terrible place for most of his life. Learning about what happened to Yeri made it even worse.

It's truly amazing how peaceful someone can become while sleeping. Just five minutes ago, Jaehyun wondered if Doyoung could ever be alright. Now, Jaehyun is positive he can. Doyoung escaped to his dream world, a place where he doesn't have to live out the events that unfolded in the past 24 hours. In Doyoung's pitch black world, his dreams are where he can experience the most light.

At some point, Jaehyun calmed down enough to fall asleep too. Unfortunately for him, his dream world isn't as good. For Jaehyun, his real life follows him into dreams. All he dreamt about was Yeri.

A scene from a week ago became the main focus of his dream. The friends decided to go ice skating in their free time. Each of them were wearing a light coat and warm pants. Jaehyun had a baseball cap and Yeri was wearing a beanie on top of her head. Her long, brown hair flowed down either side of her face. Skating fast, the air pushed her hair back in waves, making her look like a model. Out of the three friends, Yeri was the best at skating. Jaehyun is too clumsy and Doyoung is just too awkward on ice skates. The only reason the boys go skating is for Yeri. Skating makes her happy, she's glad she has something she is good at and she likes to show off her skill when she can. In no way is she a professional, but she can keep her balance while also looking pretty.

By now, Jaehyun thinks of Yeri as a sister. He is not attracted to her at all, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't know Yeri is beautiful. Her slim figure can be seen through the black leggings and the light grey sweater she is wearing, with the coat thrown over. Jaehyun can still see her smile, looking down at him after he fell for the fourth time. Her expression that quickly changed into a surprised, scared face as Doyoung nudged her down to join Jaehyun. She landed her and felt so much pain, but she pushed through and laughed about it with the two boys around her. Skin creased up around her eyes, showing her genuine smile.

Yeri always was happy, she kept the boys optimistic. Even when she was in pain, she would still manage to smile through it and over come. Jaehyun loved that about her.

As the dream faded, Jaehyun wished for more. He wanted to see her smile again, one last time. He wanted to hear her laugh, her voice. He would give anything for another day with Yeri. Another day to see her, to hear her. Is that too much to ask?

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