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Taeyong shooed Jaehyun away. "Go!" He said. Jaehyuns smile curved down. He had just spilled everything to the guy he likes, and now he's getting pushed away.

Of course Taeyong doesn't like him back. He's just a friend. Or... was a friend. Now Jaehyun isn't sure he would get him back. Maybe now they will just pass each other in the hallway and ignore each other at swim.

But what if he does like me back? No. He couldn't. Why would he tell him to leave? He didn't want to see Jaehyun when he broke his heart. Instead, it will shatter alone in the locker room.

Is Taeyong alright though? He looked in pain. Should I go check on him? Jaehyun didn't know what the right thing to do was. Part of him said to go back in the lobby and try to be strong. The other part of him needed to go back out to swim, he has already missed enough practice.

He decided to go back to practice. Taeyong will be alright. Plus, maybe if he cries, the tears will be washed away by the pool.


His parents still wouldn't let him leave the house for anything that isn't school related. He got his phone back but that was only one step to going back to normal. That is, if he ever could be normal in this house.

He took his burner phone and texted Lucas.

JW: I want to move out

L: I know, but you know you can't. You can stay with me but what's going to happen with your parents if you move out? What about Woojin? Your other siblings?

JW: I don't want to be with my parents anymore, I don't care if I have a relationship with them later in life, you know they are terrible

L: I do know, but you need to think of Woojin. If you leave, he will get everything thrown onto him. They will release all their anger on him, instead of you, you've been strong for so long. Just wait until you graduate
L: Or at least try to wait longer

JW: I don't think I can, what if Woojin comes with me?

L: Babe. I don't think that is legal. I'm sorry. You can look into it though. Keep you busy for a little while.

JW: Yeah... I might...


After practice Jaehyun quickly went to his locker to grab his stuff and left before anyone else joined him in the locker room. He made his way toward the front of the school before grabbing a piece of paper that had been resting on his folder. As he walked he decided to read it.

I want to clear things up from earlier. I didn't want to push you away. I just get so anxious and I couldn't have you around for that. When I get anxious I feel sick to my stomach, I'm sorry you had to see that.
I think we should talk again. I don't know how well it'll work out for me, but I'll make sure I take my medicine so hopefully it'll be fine.
I didn't get to tell you, I'm really happy when I am with you too, I don't want to lose that. I enjoy all the time I spend with you and if you are willing, I think I would like to spend even more time with you.
Winter Break is coming up, and if you would like, I was thinking about going on what you would call a road trip. Nothing special, some place really cheap but I know it could be fun. If you don't want to go I understand, I'm just putting this out there.
I hope you aren't sad that I made you leave. I like you.. as a person. I want you to be happy and I'm glad that you are happy with me.

Taeyong :)

He didn't read the whole thing but he smiled anyway, quickly turning back around towards the locker room. He got the gist of what Taeyong was trying to say "Taeyong!" He called. The boy looked up from his phone sadly before smiling as he saw Jaehyun jogging toward him.

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