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"You have to break up with her." His dad told him sternly. It's been three weeks since he was caught kissing "Joy".


"Okay??" His father asked. "No argument?"

"No, I know I broke your rules, I'm taking away her innocence. It'll be better if we weren't dating." Jungwoo said solemnly.

"I'm glad we can agree, son." His father spoke. "I'm glad you are able to see your mistakes and are willing to stop them before they get out of hand. Maybe this was a good thing to happen. It has matured you."

"I know it wasn't a good thing to happen, but I do know I have matured because of it. I am more ready for my future." Jungwoo spoke as intelligently as possible. He want to impress his father and make him believe that he is mature enough to make his own decisions.

"I will have to talk to your mother, but I believe when you break up with Joy, you will be able to get your phone back."

"Thank you sir." He bowed and left to his room.


HC: are you spending the night or is one of your parents getting you?

MK: I don't have a ride yet but I don't think I should spend the night

HC: why not? Too much homework?

MK: no, I just think we might hang out too much

With that, Haechan didn't respond. He had just finished lunch and didn't feel like being angry with his best friend during his last hours.


Mark thought his swim practice was going normal. Normal for him at least. He didn't feel badly despite not eating at all today. He seemed to be functioning very well.

That is, until he got an unexpected visitor while on break.

"So you think we hang out too much?"

"Hyuck?" Mark asked surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Why do you think I'm here? I'm here to talk."

"Why now? I have class. Can't we just talk later?" Mark complained. He was frustrated.

Haechan couldn't hide his disappointment. "What's going on?"

"Well what's going on is I am trying to go to class but I'm being stopped by someone." Mark said annoyed.

"What is wrong with you?" Haechan became mad.

"Nothing is wrong with me. If anything is wrong, it's with you." Mark said. Haechan took a deep breath, he didn't want to argue with Mark right now, not while they are still at school.

"What do you mean, Mark?" Haechan asked with a fake calmness.

"I have learned that all of my problems have been because of you. I need a break to fix those problems." Mark blamed.

"That's not true Mark, you know it."

"Do I though?" Mark asked. "I stopped eating around the time I met you, and I started eating again since I met Xiyeon. I stopped talking to my parents as much since I met you. I've pulled away from the church. I haven't properly exercised outside of school since we have been spending so much time together." The next part hurt Haechan more than he expected. "Hell, I can't even be with Xiyeon without you ruining it."

"None of that is my fault! Take responsibility for your own actions. You did that all by yourself."

"Oh really? I have been ruining my relationship because the person I call my best friend is gay?" Haechan looked at him, not understanding what he meant.

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