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JN: Whats wrong Tae??

TY: can I call you?

Taeyong nervously set his phone down. His hands were shaking. Does he really want to admit this? Does he really want to tell Johnny? He doesn't want to admit it, because then it would be true, but just thinking about it by himself is killing him.

Taeyong's phone rang, breaking him away from his anxious thoughts.

"Hey Johnny." He smiled.

"What's going on?" Johnny questioned calmly.

"I- uh, I don't know if I can say. What are you doing?"

"Well I was just working on homework but it's due in two days so I don't need to do it now." Johnny began to distract Taeyong from whatever was stressing him out. This is a technique he's done for years. Taeyong would get too anxious to do anything, he would freeze and shut himself down. The only way to prevent that was to distract him. Luckily, Johnny can talk about himself for hours. "Did I tell you about my Japanese class? My teacher has been so amazing, we had our speaking test two days ago and he gave us feedback. He told me that my grammar was phenomenal but I need to work on my pronunciation and today he came up to me and gave me a website that helps native Korean speakers speak in Japanese." Johnny said enthusiastically. "He's such a sweet teacher, don't you agree?"

"He sounds like he is, is he your favorite?" Taeyong breathed heavily but pushed through

"Oh definitely. He's not out to kill us all like my other teachers are." Johnny joked. "What have you been up to?"

"Well- I uh" Taeyong's nerves spiked again but he took another deep breath. "I have been hanging out with this guy."

"What's his name?"


"Is he cute?"

"Uh..." Taeyong hummed. "Yeah, he's pretty cute."

"Where'd you meet him?" Taeyong took a sharp breath as he tried to control his anxiety. He didn't want to become too nauseous while talking about a person he cares about.

"He just moved here from America, he is on the swim team."

"Oh really? You've been hanging out with a foreign boy? That seems to be a trend for you."

"Hey!" Taeyong said offended.

"Am I wrong? Me, Mark, Ten, now Jaehyun. You are never friends with people who are from Korea."

"That's not true, I have other friends."

"Yeah sure you do. What's happening with Jaehyun?"

"Nothing, we've just gotten to be really close. It uh- it makes me happy." Taeyong explained.

Johnny thought about what he should say before responding. "Tae, not that I don't believe you, and not that I'm not happy for you. BUT I have a feeling you aren't telling me everything." When met with silence, Johnny spoke again. "Are you two friends or more?"

"We're friends."

"Just friends?" Johnny asked.

"For now." Taeyong said shyly.

"There it is. You have a crush." Johnny smiled. "Taeyongie has a crush."

"Don't say it like that, that reminds me of junior high."

"Yeah and?"

"It makes me feel like a child."

"Am I wrong? Taeyong has a cruuush. Taeyong has a cruuush." Johnny sang.

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