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The one thing Jaehyun didn't want to happen, was the exact thing that happened. At school, Taeyong hung around Jaehyun, constantly making sure he was alright and getting through the day.

It was terrible.

"Hey, how was your last class?" Taeyong asked while placing an arm around Jaehyun. His smile was reciprocated as the boys walked through the hallway together.

"It was fine." He shrugged. "Pretty boring and I have a headache now but nothing too bad."

"Do you want some Advil? I keep some in my bag for times like these. I also get headaches every now and then so I usually take a couple to help me feel better." He rambled.

"No, I-, on second thought, yeah sure." Jaehyun said and took the pills. "Thanks."

"Of course." Taeyong smiled. "So I was wondering, what are you doing after school?" Jaehyun shrugged.

"Probably homework. Maybe taking a nap."

"Oh, sounds like you're busy so I guess we can't hang out." Taeyong feigned sadness. Jaehyun smiled in response.

"Well, I don't know." He blushed. "I might be able to make some time free for you." His smile created small indents on each of his cheeks. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know, I haven't gotten that far yet."

"What about your house? You've been over to mine and have met my parents... twice."

"Yeah sure, you can meet my dog!" Taeyong exclaimed.


The room around him was empty. Luckily, his sisters weren't home yet so he had the room to himself. This almost never happens because he usually stays late at soccer practice, but today was different.

Music sounded out of his phone, much louder than he would dare to play it when he's alone. His family has thin walls separating each room, which is very unfortunate when Yuta tries to do homework while his dad watches TV. His father also hates hearing music. If there is ever a time his father can hear it through the wall, Yuta gets yelled at.

YT: hey babe

HS: what are you up to?

YT: not much, my sisters aren't home so I am just relaxing, trying to pass time
YT: what about you

HS: I'm working on some math homework, but it's due in two days

YT: do you have any homework due tomorrow??

HS: yeah but I don't think I'm going to do it, it's too much work
HS: why?

YT: I was just thinking...
YT: you know my house is empty for now. And it should be empty for another two hours.

HS: Yuta...
HS: that's only one of the many reasons I said no.
HS: I don't want to, you know I don't. The only thing I want is a casual relationship where we can hang out, watch a movie, maybe snuggle or something

YT: woah wait, I wasn't talking about that, I just was saying that so you could come over.

HS: could I not come over if anyone else was there?

YT: well... I mean you could, but I would need permission and all that
YT: but since no ones here, I don't need permission, and you don't have to meet my embarrassing and weird family.

HS: what if someone comes home?

YT: we'll deal with that if it happens, there's nothing secretive about you coming over

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