Hey Mr. Hunter

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Possible TW: Vampires? Fkfkfnfbffnfnf

(This one doesn't even make sense)

I was used to being a hunter. I never in a million years imagined I would end up being hunted.

It was a lucky move for him, you might say; striking so fast and knocking the stake out of my hand, sending it flying across the forest floor. And then the second I went to retrieve it, the fluffy-haired creature blocked my path, wearing that infuriating smug grin of his. He taunted me but didn't move to attack me-the hunter who's been after him for months. It was surprising, especially after seeing the bloodlust in the vampire's eyes.

What could I do? I was rendered defenseless, stripped of all of my weapons.

I turned tail and ran.

I can hear my heartbeat in my ears with each smack of my boots against the cold dirt floor. The vampire (I've been after him for months but I still couldn't tell you his name for the life of me), is pursuing me. He's hot on my trail. Although to be fair if I were him and the hunter who's been hunting me for months was defenseless I'd move to kill him too.

This is terrifying. I didn't even do anything wrong! Why do I have to be the one being hunted now, he's the one who needs to die! I'm not the monster, he is!

'Alright, it'll be fine, Hajime, just keep going, keep going, keep-'

A huge gust of wind suddenly blows right past me and a figure appears in front of me. Hands move to grab my shoulders and I'm stopped dead in my tracks.

Sure enough there is the vampire, blocking my path, holding me in place. He's grinning like he knows something I don't as he backs me up and effectively pins me to a nearby tree.

I'm paralyzed with fear, helpless as he continues staring at me with a smug look in his eyes. He's staring at me like a predator would it's prey-which I guess would be accurate.

Finally, he speaks.

"Hey there Mr. Hunter," He says ever-so-softly, "going so soon?"

I stiffen, gulping nervously. He sighs tiredly.

"Goodness, you always attack me when I have nothing to defend myself with but the second I take away your weapons you flee," He looks at me sideways, "that's kind of unfair, wouldn't you say?"

He's not moving to attack me this second. Perhaps he can be talked down. . .unfortunately I'm not that bright whilst under stress.

"I'm not a one that's a danger to the town. You should be dead." I respond boldly.

I fully expect him to end me right there but he does something quite different; he laughs.

"You're a funny fellow there, Mr. Hunter. I suppose you would have a point," He agrees, "however, you're wasting your time. You'll never best me, dear~"

I glare back at him. "You. . .You jackass!" I spit. He chuckles.

"It's Komaeda, actually. Nagito Komaeda," He tells me, "which reminds me, you never told me yours."

"What's the point? What do you even care?" I seethe, "You're about to kill me right here, right? Why are you dragging this out?"

Something dangerous flashes in his face and his eyes narrow. "Watch yourself, Hunter," He warns, "don't be ungrateful and jump to conclusions. I simply want to have a discussion like two civilized people."

"Hard to do when you're pressed against a tree by a freaking vampire." I point out. He tilts his head.

"I simply don't feel like chasing you down again. I want to speak with you and it's hard to do when you're constantly attacking me. All I want this second is your name, Hunter."

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