Pretty Merman Savior

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"And you're sure you still want to go? Look at how dark the sky is getting, it's going to storm." The peach-haired girl says worriedly. I wave her off.

"It'll be fine, Chiaki. It's just a little catch-and-release, I'll be back in an hour." I assure her. She doesn't look convinced. "I'll come and see you immediately after, I'll stay safe." I promise.

"I suppose there's nothing I can do to stop you then." She says sadly.


I step off the dock, into my little rowboat; Chiaki assisting so that I don't tip over. I smile at her as I settle in.

"'Later." I say, pushing off the dock.

"Bye Hajime."


The ocean is angry. It's already started to rain a little, and the waves are tossing my boat all over.

Chiaki was right, I should head back to shore.

I struggle to turn my boat around as the waves crash higher and the thunder continues to roll loudly overhead. I let out an annoyed grunt as one of my oars smacks against something squishy near the base of my boat.

"The hell...?" I mutter, annoyed. I struggle as I puddle back to shore-or so I think? The waves are so high now, I can't see land.

"Ah!" I shriek as a particularly large wave slams against the boat. I topple over, going overboard.

My head smacks against something hard and my vision fades to black as I descend into the water....


"Hey....five more minutes...." I murmur as someone or something shakes me. I don't want to open my eyes, whoever this is needs to leave me alone..!

There's an...anxious-sounding squeak coming from above me as the shaking becomes more frantic. ...huh?

I open my eyes and-there's a pale face filling up my entire vision. Their eyes widen and they let out a noise of relief.

"Ah!" I shriek. Their face turns to fear and they back away rapidly as I sit up.

And...ah, I see I must have a concussion. That's the only explanation for thE FUCKING MERMAN SITTING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!

This white-haired figment of my imagination is staring back at me, perplexed. His tail flicks in an even rhythm as it slowly offers me a shy smile.

"Alright Hajime, just calm down. It's not real." I mutter, staring at it warily. It chirps happily as he starts inching towards me again.

I hold out my hands to stop him and he collides with my palms-wait. I can feel it, it's solid. It's...real?

He reaches forward and starts tracing the lines on my hands, giggling. Then, is the tail real...? Or is this just an extravagant cosplay?

I reach out and run my hands over the scales of the tail. They're damp and cool, they feel so real. The merman tenses under my touch.

I pick a scale and start tugging on it; there's no way these are real. He suddenly let's out a loud wail of pain as a bit of blood trickles out from underneath it. My eyes widen.

"Okay, so you're a legit merman." I observe in wonder. The merman rubs his scale, whimpering in pain. "Sorry." I mutter.

He removes his hand from his tail and stares at me curiously. "Are you the one who saved me?" I ask. His face doesn't waver, he says nothing. " don't understand me, do you?"

He wags his tail happily. "Do you have a name?" I try. He smiles at me, crawling a little closer. Hmm....

I point at myself. "Hajime." I say. He tilts his head, confused. I try again. "Hajime." Again nothing. Hmm, maybe if I say it enough times he'll get it.

I continue to jab my finger roughly at myself. "Hajime," I say, "Hajime. Hajime. Hajime."

I watch his eyes widen and he smiles. "Haj'!" He says excitedly. I pat his head.

"Close enough." I decide. Maybe I can get his name.

I point at myself. "Hajime." I point at him. He stares at my finger, tail flapping excitedly. Nothing.

"Do you not know any English?" I mutter.

"Haj!" He says back cheerfully. I chuckle.

"Alright," I stand up, "I'm going to go home. Er, not that you understand that."

He looks at me fearfully and latches onto my leg. I try to shake him off. "Hey, I gotta go."

He whimpers and I let out an exasperated sigh. "I'll come back tomorrow, okay? Same time." I promise, hoping he'll understand.

I bend over and gently pry his fingers off my ankle. "I'll come back." I repeat softly. He smiles half-hardheartedly as he reluctantly backs away. I wave at him. "Bye."

I turn my back on him and start walking away, trying to shake the image of his sad face from my mind.



He's pretty. And kind-I think.

I slip back into the ocean and start swimming deeper.

Although I couldn't understand what he was saying, he spoke in such a soothing tone. It was enchanting~

If only I could understand what he was saying...hmph. Shuichi said the local humans speak English. I wish there was somewhere I could learn English so we could understand each other. Maybe there is someone around here who can teach me.

What was his name? Hajime? I think...He kept pointing at himself and saying that word, I can only assume he was trying to introduce himself. I could only pronounce the first syllable of his name but he seemed happy with that.

Will I get to see him again? I hope so; I want to learn more about him and humans in general. If I go to the same spot tomorrow will he come back???

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