Komahina Valentine's Day Special 2022-"A Most Cliche Confession"

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   A Valentine's Day Confession. 

   I admit, yes, incredibly cliche, but still a day with love and romance on the brain, so I should have a pretty good shot, right? Plus, it's the perfect day to make a romantic gesture-what other day than this?

   However, doing this to someone like Komaeda. . .I can hear it now. 'Oh, Hinata-kun, how average and cliche of you to confess to me on Valentine's Day of all days! Although I shouldn't have expected anything less from a former Reserve Course. The answer is obviously no. Now get out of my sight!'

   I deflate. I'm probably just exaggerating. Komaeda has been working hard to be a better person and get over those sorts of things. It'd probably be more like 'Hinata-kun, I'm honoured that someone like you would be interested in someone like me, but unfortunately, I'll have to decline. See you later.'

   Sigh. Still, in the end, it's worth a try, right? I need verbal confirmation of rejection if I want to move on. And besides, there can still be a slight chance that my feelings will be reciprocated.

   Just look at me. This crush is making me not even act like myself.


   The voice of A.I. Nanami snaps me out of my thoughts. 

   I whip my head around to the screen on the wall where she is displayed. She does not look impressed. "What are you stressing about?"

   "Fuck," I curse, "Whenever you switch yourself on randomly, it scares the shit out of me. Anyways, as I said, I was going to tell Komaeda how I feel about him today. I guess I'm just worried about his reaction. I mean, there's no way he accepts, right?"

   Nanami's eyes narrow. "Nagito loves you, Hajime. I'd say you have a pretty good shot, honestly."

   "Komaeda-kun admires my artificial talents and Izuru. I doubt he actually likes me as a person." I explain. 

   Her eyes narrow further. "Just. . .Just go grab some flowers and ask to be his Valentine, okay?"

   I groan. "I don't even know where he is."

   Nanami shuts her eyes briefly before opening them again. "He's reading in the back of the library."

   I take two steps closer to the monitor. "Okay, well, what the hell do I even say to him?"

   She shrugs and yawns. "I don't know. You're the Ultimate Poet, aren't you? I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out."

   I groan. "You're not being much help here, Nanami-san."

   "Only because I think it's better for you to figure it out on your own. The hours of the day are slipping away fast. Hurry up."



   I look at the flowers sitting on my desk and sigh. "Okay, okay, you know what, fine. But if things go bad, I'm blaming you."

   "Fair enough."

   I look in the mirror, smoothing back my hair. I straighten my tie and grab the flowers. "Well, I'm off."

   "Good luck. . ." The sleepy A.I. returns.

   I depart.


   Komaeda is reading in the back of the library, just like Nanami said. I can't see the title of the book, but he seems really into it.

   I hide the bouquet behind my back before casually sauntering up to him. I tap him on the shoulder, making him startle before looking up at me.

   "Ah, Hinata-kun, so nice to see you! What do I owe the pleasure?"

   I shrug. "I just wanted to see what you were up to. . .I guess now I know."

   Komaeda smiles kindly. "Indeed. You're welcome to sit with me if you'd like."

   "That's, uh, kind of you. . ," Damn it, Hajime, just do it! "So, uh, do you know what holiday it is?"

   "Today? Hmm. . .Oh! Valentine's Day! I saw Koizumi-san and Pekoyama-san exchanging flowers and chocolates earlier! I'm so glad that all of the wonderful Ultimates on this island are finding their own personal hopes to celebrate with!"

   I let out a shaky sigh. "Right. . .Hey, do you have a valentine?"

   Komaeda's grin widens. "Oh, of course not! Why would anyone want to associate with scum like me anyway!"

   Come on!

   I reach out with my free hand and grab one of his, accidentally making him drop the book. "Good. You're my Valentine now."

   His eyes widen, cheeks going rosy. "O-Oh?!"

   I squeeze his hand, letting a wave of embarrassment and shame overwhelm me. "Well, obviously, if you'd prefer not-"

   "Why me?" He interrupts, staring hard at our intertwined fingers, "Out of all of your options, why me?"

   I smile gently. "It's because I've had a giant crush on you since forever. It's perfectly fine if you don't return my feelings for you, but I fell hard for you."

   There, I did it, Nanami; it's all out in the open. The ball's in his court now.

   "Oh, and these are for you," I reveal the flowers to him, holding them out. He stares at them with such a look of awe.

   "Are you sure?" He whispers.

   "Never more sure of anything in my life," I assure him firmly.

   "Then. . ," He smiles, "I'd be honoured. Thank you so much, Hinata-kun."

   My eyes widen. "Really? You're sure?"

   He stands up, smelling the flowers. "I've been interested in you since the Neo-World Program, don't you remember?"

   I blank.

   "Please, don't forget, from the bottom of my heart, I'm truly in love with y-the hope that sleeps inside you."

   I let my head fall. "Oh. . .I'm such an idiot."

   Komaeda smiles gently. "Don't beat yourself up over it. Thank you for the flowers, by the way, they're lovely."

   "No problem."

   "So, are you going to take me out on a date then, valentine?"

   "Well, I figured, if things went well, I could cook you dinner? Will that suffice for today?"

   "That's more than enough."

   "Happy Valentine's Day, Komaeda-kun."

   "Happy Valentine's Day, Hinata-kun."

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