Boyfriend In Da Pocket 3

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(Except it's boyfriend in da hair)

   "Heheh. . .Of all the things I thought would happen with you in this motive, this was not one of them, Hajime." Komaeda laughs nervously, standing in front of the mirror. 

   Using his fluffy cloud-like hair as a bed, Hinata had dug a little nest of sorts and had cocooned himself in his hair, currently taking a nap. Before he had explained that since he was this small, he was going to make the most of it before demanding Ko help him up.

   Komaeda had been a little confused by the request but anything for an Ultimate, no less his boyfriend. Hinata had been like this for a few days now and was starting to get adjust to things now, especially ordering Komaeda to do everything for him.

   Nagito sighs turning away from the mirror and slowly and carefully making his way back to the bed, mindful of his passenger. He grabs his book off of the night table and picks up where he left off, waiting for Hinata to wake up.


   "Like Remy!" Hinata exclaims suddenly, making Komaeda flinch. 

   He hadn't even realized that the smol brunet had woken up. 

   "From Ratatouille," He continues before Komaeda can respond, "Some losers think the rats name is Ratatouille but that's the dish, his name is fucking Remy," Apparently Hinata was passionate about that, as he should be, "He pulled on that bottom chef's hair to make dishes from under his hat to cook, yes? I wonder if I could control you like that too. . ."

   Komaeda smiles. "Oh, you don't have to pull on me to get me to do your bidding, Hajime. Of course, I'll condone it if that's the sort of thing you're into, however."

   Hinata groans.

   "Would you like to come down now?"

   "Mmm. . .No. . .It's like a soft, fluffy cloud. . .like a marshmallow or sour cream."

   "Is sour cream soft?"

   Hinata sighs.


   Hinata cautiously pokes out of the breast pocket of Komaeda's coat, looking out at the water. Despite everything, the two still wanted to have a date of sorts-well, at least the best they could. So, they had to decided to go lounge on the beach for a while.

   "Da boyfriend is back in da pocket where he belongs," Komaeda sighs happily, "It's just so hopeful!"

   "What's so hopeful about it?" Hinata questions, confused. 

   Nagito smiles. "I'm protecting an Ultimate! I'm keeping him safe! Plus," He hugs himself lightly, "Hajime is constantly close to me. The little weight he makes is so comforting. I'm so full of love for my boyfriend in da pocket."

   The brunet flushes, ducking his head. "W-Well, I mean, I-I guess I can see why you would find that hopeful. . ."

   Komaeda chuckles in response.

   Hajime reaches out for him and Komaeda gently fishes him out and carefully scoops him up and nuzzles him to his cheek. The brunet responds by kissing the lucky boy's cheek, making him blush before Komaeda holds him at chest level again.

   Hinata raises an eyebrow. "But are you sure you're doing well with all of this? I mean, wouldn't you rather have someone big enough to hold hands with and kiss?"

   "What are you talking about? I can still do both of those quite easily." Komaeda huffs, lifting him higher and kissing what is essentially his face. He then uses his free hand to touch the tip of his finger to one of Hinata's hands.

   Hajime rolls his eyes. "Yeah, whatever. . ."

   "Besides, this motive isn't even forever, even if no one ends up killing another. Monokuma will most definitely get bored eventually and do something else. I'm certain of it but for now," He smiles lovingly down at him, "Let's make the most of it, okay?"

   "Hmph. . .alright."

   "Love you, Haji-chan!"

   ". . .Love you too, Ko. You're amazing."

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