Freak Like Me Rewritten

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   (Honestly, this was long overdue)

The sound of laughter and clinking drinks fades into the background as he stares down into the sad caramel-coloured liquid in front of him. He sighs, swishing his drink around in his glass and taking a sip and then another and then another.

"Top you up, Hinata-kun?" Nanami Chiaki, one of the bartenders working tonight and one of Hinata's dearest friend asks, leaning forward on the counter and looking him right in the eye. Hinata automatically averts his gaze, downing some more of his drink.

"No, I'm alright for now," Hinata sighs, swishing the remainder of his drink around in his glass, "But thanks anyway."

Nanami purses her lips. "Hey, what's bugging you, Hinata-kun? You look upset. Oh. . .Did you hit on someone and get rejected once again?"

The brunet scowls at him. "So what if I did?" He grumbles.

Nanami chuckles good-naturedly. "I'm certain you'll find someone nice soon. . .maybe even sooner than you think."

"Huh? What the hell do you mean by that?"

Nanami chooses not to respond verbally, instead choosing to nod at the front door where someone new has just entered, the bell above the door singing out to announce his arrival.

Hinata spins around in his seat, taking in the person to who his friend is gesturing.

He has fluffy buttermilk-coloured curls framing a pale face and olive eyes. He's tall, relatively tall, definitely taller than Hinata. The point is he is tall, if you couldn't tell. He's wearing a forest-green hoodie with white strings and dark skinny jeans.

The boy's eyes slowly scan the room before settling on the main bar. He nods to himself before gracefully gliding over.

Nanami nudges Hinata with a wink, and he rolls his eyes back at her.

The mysterious, pretty boy stops at the stool next to him and smiles politely. "Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?"

Hinata jumps slightly. "Huh? Oh, yes, of course, don't let me stop you!"

The boy smiles, taking a seat. "Thank you so much," He responds, "My name is Komaeda Nagito, by the way. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Um, Hinata Hajime. Likewise."

Nanami comes over and grins at Komaeda. "Thirsty?" She asks, "I can getcha something to drink. I mean, it's my job, after all."

Komaeda smiles like he knows something the other two don't like he has some sort of private joke with himself. "Mhm, very thirsty, indeed. If it's not too much trouble, could I get a lemon sour?"

She nods. "No problem. As I said, it's the job. I'll return in just a moment, alright?"

And Nanami disappears again, leaving the two alone once more.

Komaeda glances at the brunet out of the corner of his eye, throat burning. It's been so long since the vampire called Komaeda had gotten a proper meal, and Hinata's blood smelled like just the right thing to fill his stomach.

But. . .jeez, he looks so upset. And a sad treat is not an enjoyable treat.

He sighs, spinning in his stool slightly to face Hinata. "You alright? You look kind of down." He mentions.

Hinata grunts. "What's it to you?" He groans.

Komaeda sighs. "Nothing. Let me pay for your drink?"

"What? Why?"

"Because I would like to see you smile! Is that so wrong?"

"It's kind of creepy, honestly."

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