You And I

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   (Can't stop missing Centauri) (So short oneshot based around the song 'You And I' by Ingrid Michaelson)

   "Wow," Nagito chuckles, "This place seems even smaller now that both of our stuff is here."

   Hajime rolls his eyes. "Well yeah, of course, this cottages aren't even that big to begin with and we didn't have time to build you and I a bigger home. Ugh, we don't even have much stuff but this place is still incredibly crowded! Can we even consider this a 'home?'"

   Nagito smiles, reaching out with his good hand to brush a strand of the brunet's hair out of his eyes. "We may not be able to have much or have a 'normal' life," He agrees, "But anywhere I'm with you, I'm home. I hope you are too."

   Hajime rolls his eyes and smiles back at his new husband, reaching out and wrapping his arms around his neck. "Hmm. . .That's quite cheesy, Marshmallow. You're so cute and funny, hmm?" He lowers his voice, "Maybe I wanna do what bunnies do with you, if you know what I mean."

   "Heheh. . .Eat carrots?" He responds nervously. 

   "Wow, you're. . .so innocent, Hinata Nagito." The brunet teases. 

   "Hinata Nagito," The fluffy-haired boy repeats, "That's going to take some getting used to. Are you sure you wouldn't prefer Komaeda Hajime?"

   Hajime snorts. "The paperwork is already done. Besides 'Hinata Nagito' flows so much nicer than 'Komaeda Hajime', we've been over this, silly."

   Nagito sighs loudly. "Fine. Whatever. I'm just so glad that everyone is doing so much better now. . .and for the first time in over a decade, I'm happy."

   Hajime takes him by the hand and leads him over to the bed, sitting down next to him. "Remember our wedding?" He asks. 

   Nagito nods. "Of course, it was a couple days ago, after all."

   The brunet smiles. "You'd think more of us would know how to dance rather than just us, Hiyoko, and Sonia, huh?"

   "Yeah we've got Hajime pulling out Ultimate Dancer or whatever, Sonia and I growing up in  households with lots of fancy parties, and The Ultimate Traditional Dancer, huh? I'm just surprised you found time to make all of those sweaters."

   "We needed party favors." Hajime replies sheepishly. 

   Nagito flops back completely onto the bed, stringing Hajime down with him. He fiddles with his arm, struggling to get his prosthetic off, the brunet quickly swooping in and taking it off for him. 

   Hajime wraps his arms around the slightly-taller boy and they just lay there in silence for a couple of moments. 

   "Hey Hajime?" Nagito says finally, "Is it really fair for us to live after all we've done? Is it really fair for me to live after all I've caused. . ? Ah, well you might be a bit confused-"

   "And you might be a little bit bruised," Hajime interrupts calmly, "But we're all recovering. Atoning for all of our sins, one might say. We fell victim to Despair and Hope's Peak and lost our teenage years against our will, we deserve a future. The world is recovering now as well. We deserve to be happy, I promise, darling."

   Nagito sighs softly, snuggling into his husband. "Mmm. Thank you, Hajime. You always know how to soothe my worried looks, love."

   The fluffy-haired boy shifts them so that he's now laying face-to-face, chest-to-chest with each other. 

   "We have each other now, forever," He promises, "We can put the lonesome on the shelf. We'll always help each other. And we have everyone else. We're all getting better together."

   "Do you think one day we can leave this island?" 

   "Anything's possible. Let's see. . .If the time comes let's get rich and and build a house on a mountain, making everybody look like ants. And from way up there, you and I. . ."

   "You and I. . ." Nagito echoes. 

   Hajime smiles. "It would be so wonderful. We would be so happy," He looks across at Nagito, "I'm still so happy. I'm already home."

   "Who's cheesy now, Hajime?"

   "Oh, shut up." 

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