Nagito Gets Bored

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   He figured of all of the people who should've stumbled across this thing, he was the one everyone would hope and pray wouldn't.

   Sitting on top of one of the many boxes in the warehouse was a six-chambered gun and next to it, a handful of bullets. Komaeda smiled faintly, briefly entertaining the idea of playing Russian Roulette again for old times sake but quickly squashed it.

   He tilted his head to the side, picking up the bullets and sliding them into his pocket for later, smiling at the light reflecting off of his wedding ring through the cracks in the ceiling. That's when it occurred to him that maybe he could use the gun for a different reason. He hadn't teased Hinata since the program, now might be fun. 

   He picked up the gun with a slight smirk before he tucked it in his other pocket and turning and making his way back towards his and Hinata's cottage.


   Even with enhanced hearing, Ultimate Hope Hinata Hajime didn't notice when Komaeda entered their cottage. He had his back to him as he rustled through his night table drawer.

   He pulled the gun out of his pocket and aimed it right at Hinata, smiling at the memory of the similar situation that had happened between them several years ago.

   "Good luck is it. . ? Well, I have that too. . ."

   Komaeda cleared his throat and said "Hajime."

   Hinata didn't turn around but does respond with a simple 'hello my darling.'

   Nagito huffed, annoyed. "Hajime."

   Hinata stood up straight before turning with a smile, said smile quickly falling upon noticing the gun pointed at his heart and the smirk on Komaeda's face.

   ". . .What are you doing?"

   "Hey," He snickered, "What does it look like I'm doing?"

   Hinata folded his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow. "It looks like you're trying to kill me for the sake of hope."

   Komaeda rolled his eyes. "Not for the sake of hope. I mean, we're not in that killing game anymore. No, this is more like. . ," He tilts his head to the side, "Testing your luck."

   Hinata raises an eyebrow, the beginnings of a smirk beginning to dance on his features, not yet showing. "Testing my luck, huh? I see. Tell me, how many bullets are in there?"

   "Five." He lies. 

   Hinata smiles. "I see. Okay, yeah, there's five bullets in there. But do you really think you'll be able to shoot me this time, considering what happened last time? Fortune smiles on you. . .but it smiles on me too. And if it's good luck. . ."

   In one fluid motion just like he did years ago, Hinata moves forward in one fluid motion before Komaeda can react, twirls around him and disarms him before stepping away and aiming at Komaeda's forehead. 

   ". . .I've got that too, remember?" Hinata smiles kindly. Komaeda sucks in a sharp breath before letting it out in a sigh. 

   "Fine. Do it. Shoot me. Make it quick, and make it hurt," Nagito's face pinkens, "G-Going by Hajime's hand seems like the best way to go. Because if I could-"

   "I'm going to stop you right there," Hinata interrupts, "I was never going to shoot you. And you were never going to be able to shoot me," He raises the gun to the ceiling and fires, "There were never any bullets in this in the first place. You're a terrible liar, Nagito. And with you knowing your own luck, you'd never really risk it."

   Komaeda's lips press together in a thin line as he fishes into his pocket and pulls out the handful of bullets. "Fine," He grumbles, "You're no fun anymore."

   Hinata smiles lovingly, taking the bullets from him and putting both the gun and the bullets off to the side for him to hide later. He then pulls his husband into a tight hug.

   "Dude, we're old now. Aren't we supposed to be more mature?"

   "Do we hafta?" 

   The brunet chuckles. "Well. . .In public." He allows.

   Komaeda smiles. "Yay! Now I can point even more weapons at Hajime!" He cheers. 

   "That doesn't sound like a healthy relationship but yeah let's do it."

   And they lived happily ever after, the end. 

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