For Hinata-kun

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   'Am I really letting it come to this?' Hinata mutters, squeezing his eyes shut and taking a deep breath, 'Am I really this weak and pathetic as to ask Komaeda Nagito for help. . ? No, my family. I need to know. I need to get out of here.

   He opens his eyes with a newfound determination, raising his fist and knocking three times on the cottage door before taking a step back to wait. After a bit of scuffling inside, the door is flung open, revealing a half-awake Komaeda.

   It takes a second for the lucky student to focus before his eyes widen. He looks past him up at the starry sky before returning to Hinata. Komaeda smiles and dips his head slightly, saying, "Good evening, Hinata-kun. It's quite late at night. What can I help you with?" He inquires, a teasing smile slowly growing on his face, "Perhaps Hinata-kun had a night terror and requires some comfort? Or maybe he's finally decided to kill me?"

   The brunet chooses to remain silent, gritting his teeth as he meets Komaeda's gaze. 

   "Hinata-kun?" The taller boy repeats patiently, "Have you finally decided to kill me?"

   Still no response. Komaeda's smile widens.

   "So you have. Come inside so we can discuss. I promise I'll plan you the best murder, and no one will have any idea!" He insists eagerly, stepping to the side so that Hinata has enough room to scooch inside.

   Hinata stiffly steps inside and walks over to the bed, delicately having a seat on the edge of it, watching Komaeda flit around the cottage, shutting the door and turning on some lights so that they can see each other more clearly. Once he's satisfied, he comes over and sits on the other side of the bed, beaming at the brunet. 

   "Although I'm thrilled, I must admit I never pegged you for a killer, Hinata-kun," Komaeda drawls, tucking a loose strand of buttermilk-coloured hair back behind his ear, "This motive really must be getting to you. Your hope is on fire!"

   "Stop it. Stop this!" Hinata spits out through still-gritted teeth, "Just hurry up and tell me what I need to do so I can just do it! The more you talk, the more I'm eager to kill you."

   Komaeda just keeps on smiling. "Of course, anything for Hinata-kun. Let's see. . ."

   He takes a moment to think, tapping his chin with his index finger. Suddenly he brightens, grabbing Hinata's hands in his excitement.

   "Let's go out to the beach, and you can drown me," He suggests, "You can give me a good clunk on the head first to knock me out so there's a better chance I won't struggle! But bring a change of clothes in case anyone sees you coming back with soaked clothes or anything. You-"

   "Just gather what I'll need and meet me at the beach," Hinata interrupts, standing up and heading towards the door, "And be quick; I don't want to lose my nerve."

   "Of course, anything for Hinata-kun."


   Hinata stands on the beach opposite Komaeda, a large rock in his hand. A little ways away in a duffel bag is a change of clothes for the brunet, as well as some wet wipes and a lighter in case things get messy.

   And Komaeda Nagito, he just keeps smiling and smiling and smiling.

   He claps his hands, taking a step closer to Hinata. "Alright, let's do this then! Just take me into the water, knock me out, and hold me under the water until I stop breathing, okay?"

   Hinata inhales so deeply that his shoulders visibly rise and fall.

   'My hands are shaking so much. . .'

   ". . .Alright. Come on then."

   The brunet starts for the water, Komaeda right on his heels like a puppy. Even though it's so late at night, the water of Jabberwock Island is still nice and warm.

   He keeps going until the water is up to his chest before turning to face Komaeda, who's staring at him expectantly. Hinata lifts the rock slightly.

   "Do you, uh. . .do you have any last words?"

   "Nothing official, no!" Komaeda chirps back, "I'm just happy to be able to do this for Hinata-kun!"

   "A-Alright then."

   He takes a deep breath and swings, hitting Komaeda square in the head. The lucky student loses consciousness immediately, swaying and falling forward into Hinata's startled arms, still breathing.

   'Halfway done, you can do this!' He encourages himself, 'Just hold him under the water until it's all over.'

   He repositions Komaeda before gently lowering him so that his entire body, including his face, is submerged in the water. Hinata sighs, watching and waiting as the water flows into the unconscious boy's lungs.

   'I can't believe I'm doing this. . .I'm actually murdering someone! And not just anyone; it's Komaeda! . . .Komaeda, who was so kind and sweet to me the first couple of days. . .Komaeda, who is so eager to help others, so eager to please. . .Komaeda who. . .who. . .who I still can't help but-'

   With a grunt, he heaves Komaeda out of the water and starts rushing him to shore the best he can.

   'Komaeda, who there's no way I can kill. Komaeda, who I've fallen for despite everything. Komaeda, whose life I have to save because it's Komaeda.'

   He's quick to lay him out on the sand and immediately begins performing CPR.

   "I. Really. Should. Finish. The. Job. Damn. You!" Hinata grunts with each compression, "You. Better. Make. A. Change. With. Your. Life. And. Be. With. Me. As. Well. Now. Breathe!"

   The brunet smacks him, and suddenly Komaeda jerks forward, murky water spilling from his lips. Hinata helps him sit up, rubbing his back as he coughs.

   As soon as his lungs are empty, he groans, touching the back of his head.

   'Oh, right, he must have quite the headache. . .' He remembers, a pang of guilt shooting through him.

   "Hinata-kun?" The other boy rasps, "Wha. . .Why?"

   The brunet sighs, continuing to rub his back even after the coughing. "I couldn't do it," He answers simply, "Don't worry about it right now. And you're coming back to my cottage so I can repair the damage I did."

   Komaeda groans again, leaning against the brunet.

   "Of course. . .anything for Hinata-kun."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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