If You Love Me, Then Die

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 (This isn't a yandere thing, btw)

  "Hajime, my love~" The eerie voice rings out, "Where are you hiding, my darling?"

   The aforementioned brunet clamps his hands over his mouth, trying to muffle his breathing from his position in the back of their closet. He can't let Komaeda find him. Especially not now with the current circumstances.

   He hears the familiar sound of Komaeda unsheathing one of his blades and humming, as he often does when he's thinking or needs something to fidget with.  

   "Hajime?" His loud footsteps come to a stop just outside of the closet.

    Hinata begins to shake, feeling himself on the verge of tears. He doesn't want to die! But it didn't seem like Komaeda was going to let up.

   A moment later, the door flies open and Komaeda is staring down at him.

   "Found you."


   How the hell did he end up there? Let's go back to earlier that night.

   Hinata had spent a long time getting used to the fact that he had fallen in love with an assassin. Once they ended up growing closer and strengthening their bond, Komaeda had felt comfortable enough to tell him. He had been shocked and frankly a little fearful but Komaeda was there to soothe all of his worries.

  Eventually, Nagito started doing some work from their shared home. He received emails and assignments from his organization in their office and left some files lying around in there. Hinata was always curious but he never dared invade his privacy. . .

   Until Komaeda told him he wasn't getting home until late and the brunet discovered that the office door was unlocked. . .and Hinata really wanted to peek inside.

   He paced in front of the door for a long while, drinking cup after cup of coffee. Eventually, Hinata decided "fuck it," and went inside.

   Sitting out on the desk was a single desk marked 'CONFIDENTIAL' and of course, seeing those words made Hinata want to look inside more. He flips open the cover to see the profile for Komaeda's next target and is shocked at what he sees. 

   Staring back up at him is a giant photo of him along with an entire profile of him.

   'Hinata Hajime, son of  Hinata Aiko and Hinata Akemi (owners of the REDACTED company), requested to be killed by a revival company to mix everything up and make them more vulnerable.

    NAME: Hinata Hajime

    AGE: Twenty-two

   HEIGHT: 179cm


   BIRTHDAY: January 1st

   JOB ACCEPTED BY: Komaeda Nagito'

   Hinata sucked in a sharp gasp, horrified at what he sees. Someone had put out a hit on him?! And Komaeda, the love of his life, has accepted it!? Why?! Doesn't he love him?! Why did he agree to kill him?!

   'I-I have to get out of here. . .I HAVE TO GO!'

   He turned to run away but collided right into someone else. He back away slightly, barely mustering the courage to look Komaeda Nagito in the eye. 

   He's dressed in all black with a gun in his holster and daggers in several pouches all over his waist and legs. His hair is pulled back in a tight ponytail and he's smiling.

   "Going somewhere, Hajime?" He asked.

   Hinata panicked, desperately looking around for an escape route but finding none. Komaeda hummed, looking past him to the open file on the desk.

   "Why were you looking through my stuff, darling?" He continued.

   "You. . .You're going to kill me?"

   Komaeda sighed. "Why do you think I am dressed in all black? I am about to be in mourning, after all. But it is just business, Hajime. It's not personal. But money is money."


   Komaeda slowly drew his gun and pressed the barrel against a paralyzed Hinata's head with a loud sigh. "I can't not do my job, you know that. This is just the way things have got to be."

   "But you love me! And I love you!"

   ". . .If you love me, then die."

   The brunet lunged forward, shoving into Komaeda and running away. His boyfriend didn't try to stop him. He tucked his gun away, giving Hinata a few seconds to get away before going after him.


   And that brings us up to now.

   Komaeda takes Hinata by the arm, tugging him to his feet. "There's no need to run, my sunflower boy," He coos, "There's no reason to be scared."

   "There's no reason to be scared?!" Hinata repeats incredulously, "You're just about to kill me!"

   Komaeda gently tucks a strand of hair away from Hinata's face. "And?"

   "I don't want to die!"

   "I know."

   "P-Please," Hinata is crying now, "Please don't do this!"

   "Hey," Komaeda pulls him into a tight hug, "It's going to be okay, my love. There's no need to fear death. It's just like a long sleep, right?" 

   "There's still so much I want to do-"

   "Hey, I know. Breathe, Hajime. You're not going to die."

   "There's so much I-. . .wait, what?"

   Komaeda chuckles. "You're not going to die," He pulls away to look at his face, "Do you really think I would let that happen? Why do you think I insisted on taking the job? I've already devised a plan to save you and your family, so don't worry. But still, you shouldn't be going through my work stuff, darling."

   Hinata is silent for a moment. And then he is sobbing for an entirely different week. He is sobbing with relief.

   "I'm going to kill my boss instead," Komaeda continues, "They're insane and everything will be easier that way anyway. A whole bunch of us are in on it and it's going on soon, way before your deadline. You don't have to worry. . ."

   "Nagito. . ," He looks him dead in the eye, "You scared the hell out of me."

   Komaeda chuckles sheepishly. "Sorry."

   "You dumbass."

   "I know. I love you, Hajime."

   "Love you too. . .I guess."


   "Sorry. I love you too."

   "That's what I like to hear. Now go rest, love. I'll be here to protect you."


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