Ping Pong Bitch

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(You know-instead of ding dong ditch. Okay. For Aki_Faithful ) (Also, I have kind of a thing for superhuman Hajime post-game, so deal with it) 

   "Are you sure you want to do this, Ko," Hinata asks as they walk hand-in-hand towards the little gym they'd built on the second island, "I mean, I am the Ultimate Ping Pong champion."

   Komaeda rolls his eyes. "Really? I mean, I'm me, but that's a talent?"

   Hinata sniffs. "It's in the Olympics. You know, Table Tennis? That's enough talent for Hope's Peak. Also, I'm the one with the wicked curveball. Also-"

   "I get it; you're the best at everything, I know." Komaeda interrupts as they enter the gym.

   "Mmm, and I paid dearly for that."

   "I know."

   Hinata jogs over to the storage closet, whipping open the door. He locates the ping pong table, places a single hand under it and hoists it up, carrying it out into the broader space without breaking a sweat.

   Komaeda rolls his eyes. "You're such a showoff, istg." 

   The brunet drops it. "Yeah, but you love it. Come on over here and play. You serve first."

   He tosses the balls he pulled out to Komaeda, followed by one of the paddles. He spins his own paddle around in his left hand and smirks. 

   "Loser has to wear a maid dress and do the winner's bidding for the week." He tells Komaeda.

   Komaeda groans. "Yeah, but that's not fair because you're obviously going to win. You're the best at everything."

   Hinata shrugs. "Hmm, I don't know. For all I know, my luck is based off of yours. Maybe it'll run out."

   "I thought you said our luck cancels each other out."

   Hinata doesn't respond verbally and instead wacks one of the other balls at him. Komaeda yelps and barely dodges, glaring at his boyfriend. 

   "Not cool," He says icily, "Also, the loser has to lick the other's shoes. You know, because you were too much of a coward to do it in the simulation."

   The brunet's mismatched eyes narrow. "First person to reach ten points win. Serve."

   Komaeda does. 

   Hinata easily volleys it back, and Komaeda does the same thing. They keep going back and forth until Komaeda actually manages to get one past him.

   The brunet whirls around, shocked. Komaeda grins maliciously.

   "Did I never tell you? I was captain of the Ping Pong team at my high school before going to Hope's Peak. We went to Nationals."

   Hinata glowers at him. "How come that's never come up before?" He demands, picking up the ball. 

   Komaeda smirks. "There's a lot of things you still don't know about me, Hinata-kun. You really thought you could breeze your way through a ping pong match and get me in a maid outfit, did you? I hope you enjoy disappointment."

   The Ultimate Everything practically growls red-eye, flashing and glowing. "Now it's even more personal."

   They go back and forth again; the ball travels faster and faster with each hit. Hinata gives it a particularly hard whack, and it whizzes right past his boyfriend, just grazing his ear.

   Hinata smiles gently. "We're tied, Ko."

   "Not for long."

   Serve, volley, volley, volley, miss.

   "You may have been a captain, but I'm still the best in the world."

   "Damn you, Hinata Hajime!"

   They go again and again. The score is now 4-1 in favour of Hinata.

   "You're sleeping, Nagito." The brunet drawls.

   Komaeda whacks the ball right between Hinata's eyes. The brunet's face goes dark.

   ". . .You better start running, Komaeda Nagito." He warns in a low voice.

   Komaeda's feet are frozen for one second, and then he scrambles out of the gymnasium in the next. Hinata gives him a fifteen-second running head-start, but it would be no match for his superhuman speed. 

   Once his fifteen seconds are up, he zooms out of the gym, ready to shove the ping pong ball whacked at his face up his boyfriend's ass.


   Hinata catches Komaeda around the waist before he can even get near the beach house.

   Nagito lets out a scream and starts frantically struggling, but he's too weak. He keeps screaming as Hinata holds firm, rolling his eyes. "Have you finally decided to kill me, Hinata-kun?" He gasps breathlessly. 

  "Only in a match of Ping Pong," He replies, hoisting his boyfriend off of the ground and beginning to bring him back to the gym, "I'm going to punish you so good once I finish destroying you in Ping Pong."



   The score is now 8-7 in favour of Hinata. 

   "Two more points until I win, Nags," He taunts, "Don't worry, I'll sew you a maid dress of my own designer, courtesy of the Ultimate Designer, Ultimate Tailor, etc."

   "Three points until I beat you, my love," Komaeda corrects him, "And a have a real dirty pair of shoes to force in your mouth."

   "Just serve the ball, doofus."

   Komaeda serves with all of his might, but Hinata still manages to catch it. The volleying back and forth lasts about a full minute before the brunet gets it past him once again.

   "One more fucking point, Komaeda."

   "I will kill you as you sleep, Hinata-kun."

   Serve, volley, volley, volley, volley, miss.

   "Nine-eight. You can still lose, darling." Komaeda reminds him.

   "But I won't."


   And just like that, Hinata is the victor.

  The brunet smiles like he knew he was going to win the entire time, and it was just a breeze. Komaeda looks like he's shaking with fury as he flips the Ping Pong table.

   Hinata's eyes widen, but all he does is laugh at his partner's little hissy fit. 

   "Your outfit will be ready in five-to-seven days. How many ruffles shall I put on it? Two-hundred? Three-hundred? And should I add the pretty fifties American housewife heels? Oh, and I could style your hair all pretty too-"

   Komaeda goes for the throat.

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