What To Do With A Drunken Vampire (IV)

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(Another addition to the Hajime and his boyfriend living their best domestic life series)

   Komaeda often would tell Hinata that although he himself tried to avoid it as much as possible, he should steer clear of him when he's drunk.

   "Listen. . ," He had warned, "Vampire bodies react. . .quite a little differently to too much alcohol. Humans really should try and steer clear if they can. We forget about how powerful we are and don't really try to hold back, speed, strength, compelling, the whole spiel. . .It's dangerous. Not to mention the lack of restraint and increased hunger. It's quite strange."

   Hinata's eyes had widened. ". . .Wow. And. . .so. . .otherwise do you act just like any other drunk person?"

   Komaeda shrugged. "I haven't the slightest idea. But hopefully you'll never have to see it so you don't have to worry too much."

   And so, Hinata hadn't thought much of it. After all, Komaeda didn't seem like the type to do much drinking anyways and since he knows there's consequences he won't touch any. . .right? 

   So naturally, one evening when some of Komaeda's friends dropped him back at home pretty drunk, Hinata wasn't sure what to do. Komaeda had said it could get pretty dangerous but so far he was just standing in the doorway staring off into space.

   Hinata put the movie he was watching on pause before slowly moving to his feet and making his way over to the dazed vampire. He smiles tightly, reaching out and taking his hands, guiding him inside the house and kicking the door shut behind them.

   "Hey Cloud, you ended up getting drunk, huh? Well, I'm not equipped to handle vampire drunkenness so just bear with me, okay? Are you tired? Do you want to lie down? Or I'm ten minutes into a movie if you want to watch with me?"

   ". . .Hungry." Komaeda mumbles finally.

   The brunet exhales. "Alright. Let me get you one of your bags-"

   "No. . ," He mumbles, leaning into Hajime, "Fresh."

   Hinata flinches. Oh. 

   "Um, I feel like that's something you're going to regret in the morning and I'm not really in the mood to-"

   Komaeda's fingers curl around Hinata's wrist and gives them a squeeze, nearly breaking them had he not slipped away in time.

   Nagito frowns. ". . .Hurt. . .you. . ."

   His eyes are filled with grief and pain.

   "Oh, no, Nagito, I'm okay, see? No harm done. Here, let's watch the movie. Come cuddle with me, okay? Ah, unless you want a bag?"

   Komaeda stares at the ground. ". . .No."

   "Alright darling," He takes his hand, "It's one we really liked last time. Neither of us have anywhere we need to be tomorrow so let's just relax, 'kay?"

   Nagito groans, following Hinata over to the couch and flopping down next to him. Hinata wraps his arm around Komaeda's shoulders and pulls him closer, using his other hand to hit play.

   They sit in silence for a while, Nagito making the odd noise here and there. Suddenly Komaeda leans over and scraps his teeth against the side of Hinata's neck and he would have sunken them in had Hajime not have reacted with quick reflects and shoved him away.

   Komaeda pouts rather cutely and Hajime sighs. 

   "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't let you do that when you're drunk," He gently caresses the side of Komaeda's face, "And I'd really rather you didn't. No consent here, understand?" He says slowly and carefully.

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