Tower Of Doors

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(I guess kind of a sequel to my Kakegurui AU 'Just Lucky' so spoilers for that)


I knock on the door and open it slightly, saying, "President Komaeda, Hajime Hinata here to see you."

The fluffy-haired boy looks up from his papers with a sigh, smiling at me. "Come in, sweetheart." He calls.

I quickly enter, shutting the door behind me as I approach him. The gunshot wound has healed up quick nicely but it still hurts to walk on.

I perch myself on the side of his desk as he looks up at me, stopping his work.

"You don't have to be so formal, you know," He tells me, "Especially when announcing yourself, Hajime."

I open my mouth in mock shock. "How rude," I huff, "I'll have you know I take my job as secretary quite seriously you know. I am a skilled member of the Student Council"

"And yet somehow according to my records you've racked up another little debt, hmm?"

"Okay, it's not my fault," I defend immediately, "Ibuki insisted and how could anyone say no to that face?! And then naturally they destroyed me so now I'm a couple million yen in the hole."

Nagito stands and comes around to the side of the desk to stop in front of me. He places his hands on either side of me and leans in real close. "Want me to give you the chance to win it back?" He murmurs.

I shudder. "Fuck off, horny, I'm not gambling with the fricking Student Council President."

He pouts. "Hajime, you're no fun," He whines, "I'm so bored. Play with me."

I peck his lips. "Die horny." I reply.

"But at least gamble with me? Please?"

"With money?"

"I'll gamble money. You can offer up something else."

I raise an eyebrow, suspicious. ". . .What exactly?"

He leans forward to whisper in my ear, hot breath tickling my neck. A couple of seconds later, my face turns red and I slap him. He recoils, laughing, rubbing at his now-red cheek.

"So that's a 'no', I take it?"

"I'll-err, service you another night, okay? Promise. But is there something else I can offer if you want this so bad?"

He strokes his chin thoughtfully. "Well, there is an automatic penalty for the game I want to play so that'll be enough, I think."

I stiffen. ". . .What game?" I ask slowly.

His entire face lights up. "Tower Of Doors! I got access to the Tower!"

(The game is played from within the 5th floor. Players must descend to the 1st floor, take a lily as proof and return to the 5th floor. Whoever accomplishes this first is the winner. Floors have several doors with panels on them, in the walls, the center of the tower and trap doors in the floor. To open them, players must respond correctly to whatever question is presented to them in each of them. Whoever loses must jump from the tower.)

"Tower Of Doors," I repeat, "No, absolutely not, no fucking way."

"Oh, but Hajime-"

"I know all about that damn Tower. I'm not risking my fucking life because you're bored."

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