Talking To Graves

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   The brunet takes a deep breath, smoothing back his hair and straightening out his blazer, before bending over to pick the bouquet of irises off of the floor. This would be his first time talking to Komaeda's parents and first impressions were everything.

   No one knows that he's even come here, not even Komaeda himself. But if he didn't do this it just wouldn't be right. 

   He begins carefully moving through the headstones, searching for the correct ones. 

   You see, he proposed to Nagito a week ago after three years together and of course, Komaeda accepted. But a few days earlier Hinata was reading a book when the realization struck him that he never asked permission to marry Nagito, so that's what he was here to do.

   Now that they had moved off of Jabberwock Island, they moved back to Komaeda's hometown so they could be close to his parents' graves. And of course there were Hajime's parents that refused to talk to him. Well, whatever.

   Hinata takes a deep breath before kneeling down in front of the appropriate gravestones.

   "Um. . .Hello, Komaeda-san and uh, Komaeda-san I guess. I am both Hinata Hajime and Kamukura Izuru, but I go by the name Hinata Hajime. Yeah. . ."

   He trails off awkwardly before turning away and gritting his teeth. "This is stupid. . ," He mumbles, "No, come on, Hinata, you've got to do this!"

   He turns back to the headstones. "I am your son's boyfriend. And. . .I love your son very much, more than my own life. He is the kindest, most sweetest boy any version of me has ever met. See," Hinata sits down, tucking his knees into his chest with a dopey smile on his face, "I first met Nagito back at Hope's Peak before the Tragedy. Hehe. . .he did not like me then. But to be fair, I didn't really like him either. . .at first. But, you know, enemies to lovers, I guess, haha. . ."

   And then he frowns slightly. "And then I did something kind of stupid. I allowed Hope's Peak to manipulate and use me as their guinea pig and I became Kamukura Izuru. From there I met Enoshima Junko and helped start The Tragedy. Your son and I were Ultimate Despairs together and travelled together for sometime. Anyways Naegi Makoto came for us and still as Kamukura Izuru we were put into a program to undo the brainwashing but acting under Enoshima Junko and wanting to see whether or not Hope or Despair would win, I uploaded a virus that turned it into a Killing Game. But the program did it's job so I supposed it worked. . ?"

   He sighs. "We weren't on the best of terms inside the program but once we got out and got all of our memories back, it wasn't long before we got close again and," He smiles, "We fell back in love. I've never been happier than I am now. I adore your son and want to be with him for the remainder of my days-I mean, I think I can die? Well that's my history with Nagito. Anyways, Nagito and I are both traditional guys, so, I'm formally asking permission to marry your son."

   Just then, a stray blue iris comes hurdling through the air, landing perfectly in the center of Hinata's lap, surprising him. 

   "Ah! This is a yes, I take it? Ha. . .Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Well, I'll stop bugging you two now and I'll get going. Goodbye."

   Hinata rises to his feet and turns around to find Komaeda standing there with a big bouquet in his hands and tears in his eyes. 

   The brunet stiffens. "How. . .How much did you hear?"

   "E-Everything. . ."

   Hinata scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. "I-I'm sorry. That was probably really stupid of me, I-"

   Komaeda races forward, reaching for Hajime and wrapping him in the tightest embrace in his life, now full-on sobbing. "Oh H-Hajime, that was the most amazing thing anyone has done for me and my parents, like ever! I'm sure they really appreciated you actually asking!"

   "R-Really? I was worried I was just wasting my time or something."

   They pull apart from him. "A blue iris, huh? Those don't look like the flowers you brought. In fact," He grins, "They were my mother's favorite flower."

   The brunet's eyes widen. "I-really? Wow. . ."

   The former Lucky Student takes Hajime's hand and leads him back over to the grave so that he could lay down his own flowers.

   "I really like him, you know," He whispers, "I'll be back to visit soon."

   He then looks over at Hajime, and smiles. "It's getting late. I think it's time we go home."

   The brunet nods in agreement. 

   "Yeah. Let's go."

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