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(Haji and Zuzu are clingy 2021)

   Komaeda sighs, staring out the front window of their cottage, taking a sip of his coffee, listening to the sound of one of his partners rustling around in the background, barely making a sound. A moment later, footsteps cross the floor and arms wrap around his waist and hold him close, chin resting in the crook of his neck. 

   "Mmm, good morning," He hums, "Who am I speaking to?"

   "Guess." Is the simple response that gives away no hints.

   It was Hinata's idea for the little guessing game they did every once in a while ever since the day Komaeda had boasted that he could totally tell them apart with just one glance. He had even persuaded Kamukura into participating every once in a while. 

   "Mmm. . ," He considers, "Izuru hasn't really fronted in a while however are often not that affectionate. But not never. Hajime usually greets me with a kiss but again not ever time. . ."

   He turns around with a bright smile on his face, kissing his partner swiftly. "Good morning, Izuru." He greets them confidently. 

   Kamukura nods back. "Well done, Nagito. As usual." They take Komaeda's good hand and squeeze it, grunting slightly. 

   "Feeling affectionate today, aren't you?"


   "Alright. Hungry?"


   "Mmm, alright, Izzy. Let's go get breakfast."


   Komaeda's face twists slightly as he tries to see his book around the body collapsed on top of him, snuggling into his chest, smelling like nutmeg. Hinata exhales roughly, hugging his boyfriend tight.

   "Ah. . .Hajime. . .I always appreciate your affections but I cannot see my book from this angle."

   He isn't sure if Hinata even registered what he said. "Warm," He mumbles, pulling Nagito closer.

   ". . .Hajime? Hon? Is everything alright?"

   Hinata doesn't say a word, instead opting to yawn and shut his eyes. 

   ". . .Alright." He sighs, defeated, setting his book down and wrapping his arms around him. 


   "-So anyways, Pekoyama-san says. . ," Koizumi trails off, noticing the boy standing behind pressed against Komaeda, arms wrapped around his waist, head buried in his back.

   Komaeda sighs tiredly, smiling wryly. "I hope Hajime's presence is not disturbing you too much, Koizumi-san," He mumbles, "He's just a little extra affectionate today, that's all."

   ". . .N-No, not at all."


   "Cuddle." Kamukura demands the second Komaeda enters the cottage.

   He sighs. "What is with you two the last couple of days? What's with all the loves?"

   Kamukura raises an eyebrow. "Are we not allowed to be affection and express our love towards our boyfriend?" They say back, still reaching for him.

   Komaeda sighs again as Izuru takes his hand and pulls him down beside him. Nagito snuggles into his partner, trying to relax.

   "No, it's fine. . .I'm just a little curious about it, that's all. . .However-"

   "However?" Izuru interrupts, sounding slightly irritated. 

   Nagito smiles. "I agreed to model for Koizumi all over the islands tomorrow, so I'll have to leave you two alone. . ."

   Kamukura pouts.

   "I'll leave behind my jacket if you wish."

   ". . .You better."


   'I miss Nagito. When is Nagito coming back?'

  'Go complain somewhere else, Izuru.'

   Hinata sighs, trying to focus on the email he was responding to from Naegi but finding that he really couldn't. He grumbles to himself, readjusting Komaeda's jacket on his form. 

   '. . .I miss Komaeda. But he's busy and there's work to be done. . .But he was very warm and cuddly. I will drag him into bed with me tonight.' He decides.


   "It's cold," Komaeda huffs, "I should've brought Hajime. He was keeping me warm."

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