Panic At The Heart-Throbbing School-

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   (When I made Ikusaba Noa (Ikuzono fanchild) I also made Komaeda Rika, Hinata and Komaeda's kid. Noa and Rika also get married in the future.)

   "Is she awake?!" Komaeda demands the second Hinata steps into the kitchen, "If she doesn't get up now, she's going to be late! She can't be late on the first day of Kindergarten, what kind of example will that set-"

   Hinata holds up a hand, silencing him. "Ko, relax. She's brushed her teeth and washed her face. I laid out her freshly-pressed uniform, she's getting dressed right now."

   Two pieces of bread pop out of the toaster, making Komaeda jump. ". . .Well, that's her breakfast. We need to leave in. . .fifteen minutes! Damn it!"

   "Don't curse, Rika will hear you." 

   Just then, they hear the little pitter-patter of footsteps and they turn to see their little reddish-brown haired and light-green eyed girl entering the kitchen. Hinata smiles, scooping her up in her arms. 

   "Are you excited for your first day of school, pumpkin?"


   "Yeah? That's good. You're going to have such a fun day."

   Komaeda sets a plate of toast down at her spot. "Hurry up and eat, darling, we don't want to be late." 

   Hajime reluctantly sets his daughter on her feet and she scrambles into her chair, Komaeda watching her with an anxious expression.

   This day must be tough for him. He's been home as a stay-at-home dad/novelist for the past few years so the day their little girl is going off into the world for the first time must be killing him.

   "Don't choke." Komaeda murmurs, patting her back before brushing past Hinata and leaving the room.

   Hinata sighs, putting Rika's lunch bag and water bottle into her backpack and zipping it up.

   "Hey Pa? What kind of things do you do in Kindergarten?"

   Hajime smiles at his child. "Oh, lots of fun stuff, you're going to have a great time. Games and snacks and spelling, I wish I was going honestly."

   "Then why does Dad seem so upset?" She wonders, cocking her head to the side. 

   "He's just having a rough morning, he's going to be fine," He promises, "He probably just needs a hug."

   Rika's face grows worried. "Is he sick again?"

   "Oh, no, no, no, he's fine, pumpkin. Everyone just gets a little stressed sometimes, that's all. Now finish your food, we really do gotta go!"


   Komaeda sits in the driver's seat staring straight the entire time Hajime spends strapping their kid into the back of the car. The brunet slides into the passenger's seat, squeezes his husband's hand and they're off.

   "What am I going to do?" Komaeda murmurs, low enough so that Rika couldn't hear him but Hajime could. 

   "What do you mean, angel?"

   "Rika's going off into the world. I can't protect and watch over her every hour of the day now. I still don't know if she's inherited any of my chaotic luck. I don't know what I'm going to do with myself anymore."

   The brunet raises his eyebrows. "Is that what this is about? Nags, she's going to be fine. She's a smart girl and I'm pretty sure she has my averageness. As for you, you're going to primarily focus on your writing and photography because you love those and it brings home a lot of money! Hey, I have the day off. After we drop Rika, lets go get coffee."

   Nagito sighs, gripping the steering wheel harder. "Yeah. . .Alright. Okay."


   "Alright," Hinata says, bending down to eye-level as the three stand just outside of the classroom door, "Have the most wonderful day, pumpkin. We'll be right back here to pick you up at two. We love you."

   Komaeda snaps a couple of photos. "We really do. Be safe, okay? Have the best day."

   Rika smiles shyly. "I love you two. Bye."

   They hug her. "Bye Bye."

   She gives them one last smile before turning and racing into the classroom. Nagito hauls his husband back to his feet and they start walking down the hall.

   "Well that was easy," Komaeda comments, "Normally it's hard for parent and child to separate for a while-a lot of tears and hugging and pleading but I guess we got lucky. Rika is such a brave little-"

   Hinata bursts into tears.

   ". . .Girl. Hajime, what's wrong?"

   "What am I going to do now that she's in school?!" The brunet wails, "I can't believe she's growing up so fast, she's going to be moving out before we can even blink and-"

   Komaeda wraps his arms around him. "Haji-chan, it's going to be fine! Rika's not going anywhere, it's only a couple of hours, she's fine! Please don't be upset!"

   "I, sniff, know but still!"

   Nagito chuckles softly. "I know, I know. Come on, let's go get some coffee, you'll be feeling better and no time. What would Rika say if she saw her big strong 'Pa' dissolved into tears?"

   Hinata wipes his eyes. ". . .Yeah. Alright, sorry. Okay. Let's go."

   Komaeda takes his hand and pulls him down the hall.

   The end of the day can't come soon enough.


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