Hunt Me [Again] (XIV)

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   Komaeda grits his teeth. "Why do you want this bad?! Don't you realize how dangerous that is? And you're asking me to be crueller than ever? We can't have our forever if all your horny desires get you killed first!" 

   "Nagito, seriously, just-"

   The vampire whips around, gently taking his husband (his husband!) by the shoulders. "Hajime, I would have been all for it before, but ever since I nearly killed you-"

   "Nagito, you wouldn't kill me. And we both had so much fun last time. Who knows how much longer we can play fun games like this?"

   Komaeda's eyes narrow. "Still insist on becoming a monster?"

   Hinata rolls his eyes. "You were at the wedding. As long as we both shall live, remember?. And so we both shall. . .for eternity. . .Or at least until the rest of the humans kill the Earth."

   Komaeda breaks, and he smiles, pressing his forehead against his human mate's. "Then, so you shall be. . .for dessert."

   Hinata raises an eyebrow. "For dessert?" He repeats.

   "We can try it again. . .but it'll probably be the last time ever. It's not safe."

   "I don't care if it's not safe."

   "Yes, I can see that. . .How cruel exactly do you want me to be?"

   The brunet pulls away, eyes widening excitedly. "If you could make me legitimately fear for my life, that would be great! And don't be afraid to rough me up too!"

   The vampire raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather go see a therapist than do this?"

   Hinata shrugs. "I've made up my mind. Anyways, I'm going to meet Nanami at the pub on fifth," He says in a very unsubtle way, "I guess I'll see you in a couple of hours?"

   Komaeda lets out a very loud sigh. "I see. . .Enjoy your evening, Hajime."

   "I have no doubt I will."


   Hinata's chest and limbs are pleasantly warm, but he's not enough to be considered drunk.

   He stands, placing a couple of bills on the table before nodding at Nanami. "I should go. . .Nagito will be waiting."

   Nanami smiles and yawns, reaching for her drink. "Have a good night. . ."

   He leaves the table and heads towards the door, stepping outside into the cool evening air. He wonders if Komaeda is watching him already.

   A strong breeze blows by him, carrying the sound of disturbing laughter. The human shudders involuntarily, nervously twisting his wedding band around his finger. 

   He's not sure where he would go. As interesting as it would be, he's not sure if Komaeda would actually attack him outside the house. Taunt and tease him, sure, but actually, do stuff to him?

   Before he realizes it, his feet are steering him in the direction of their home. He frowns, not wanting things to be a repeat of last time. He was promised a hella mean vampire! Where actually is he?

   Hinata huffs, hurrying along his way. One minute walking down a silent street, and the next, fingers are squeezing his throat, and the other arm wrapped firmly around his waist.

   'This better fucking be Nagito or else-'

   "Ah!" A delighted-sounded voice purrs, "I caught one."

   The human stiffens, not daring to make a sound.

   "Ah, my apologies that it had to be you, but you see," They drop their voice to a whisper, "I'm just so hungry."

   Hinata gets spun around so that he's face-to-face with his captor. And thank goodness that it's just Komaeda that has him here, in the end, dressed in all dark colours. He tilts Hinata's head up to look into his eyes. 

   "To be honest," He continues, "Your scent is so boring and ordinary. It's such a pity. But there are not many people out this late at night, so I guess I have to settle for trash like you."

   He grabs Hinata by his collar and lugs him into the nearest alley. The brunet hits the ground hard barely manages to save his head from hitting the ground before scrambling back further into the darkness to get away from the advancing hunter.

   "It's my own fault for hunting so late at night when the pickings are slim," He continues, "But then again, fewer witnesses for a murder, huh?"

   The brunet's back hits the wall.

   "Not that it would matter!" Komaeda laughs, "By now, I've killed hundreds of humans, so what's one or two more?"

   "I. . .Wait, out here?" Hinata stammers as he's hoisted up by the collar of his shirt.

   "Mmm, wouldn't be the first time, do you remember?"

   'A figure emerges from the shadows, peering at the brunet intently. Hinata looks like a deer caught in headlights as he entirely takes in the boy who looks like the most beautiful thing in the world.

"You look so adorable, little human! Did you take a wrong turn? You look so confused." It purrs, pushing a lock of fluffy off-white hair behind its ear.

Hinata gulps. "I-I'm not lost," He lies, "I know exactly where I'm going. I appreciate your concern, but I really must be-"

"I can hear your heart racing. . .pumping your blood through your veins in the most delicious way. . ."'

   "Oh," Hinata says dumbly. So he would do something like that to him outside the home.

   "Oh indeed!" Komaeda agrees cheerfully, reaching down and grabbing Hinata by the collar of his shirt, hoisting him into the air. His eyes scan all over the human, frowning when noticing the lack of a dagger. But then again, he couldn't exactly carry that around in public.

   He uses his entire body to slam him into the wall, pinning him there. His eyes flash red, and the brunet shivers, feeling excited.

   "What are you so happy about?" Komaeda asks.

   Hinata grins. "I'm about to get what I've wanted all night, that's what." He answers.


   "You know what I mean."

   Komaeda sighs. "You're making me break character here."

   He lets Hinata fall back to the ground, landing on his feet. The brunet huffs, dusting himself off. "Glad we collectively killed the moment." He mumbles.

   Komaeda shrugs, grabbing his hand. "That's what we do. Want to keep walking and try again, or do you just want to go home?"

   The human sighs. "Yeah, let's just go home."

   "Mmkay, love."


   "You ready?"

   Hinata nods, digging his nails into the bed and tilting his head to the side to give the other more room. Two pale arms gently wrap around him, and Komaeda nuzzles into his neck before biting down.

   Hinata hums and closes his eyes, relishing the feeling.

   Maybe it wasn't about the roleplay and the biting/blood kink all the time, but the intimacy, love, and trust that comes with the action. 

   Either way, it's perfect.

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