Why Is The Vampire Dressed As A Vampire (VI)

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   "Komaeda, hurry up, we're going to be late," Hinata calls, casting one last glance in the mirror. 

   Not really knowing what to dress up as for Mioda's Halloween party, he had just thrown together a half-assed mime costume. In his own opinion, he looks kind of stupid. Komaeda, of course, wouldn't end up thinking the same thing.

   "Coming, beloved!" Komaeda sings back, dashing into the room. Hinata turns around to face him and his jaw drops to the floor.

   He has his hair pulled back in an incredibly tight ponytail. His face is brushed over with white powder and he has a bit of fake (hopefully) blood dotted around his mouth. He's wearing a black vest over a long-sleeved white blouse and black pants. A red and gold broach is pinned at his throat and he's draped in a cloak that is red on the inside and black on the outside. 

   'Oh no. . .Don't tell me. . .'

   "Nagito. . .are you supposed to be. . .a vampire?"

   The IRL vampire beams. "Precisely! I thought it would be fun! Isn't it?"

   Hinata shakes his head slowly. ". . .It's fucking weird, that's what it is."

   Komaeda smiles, lifting his cape slightly. "I vant to suck your blood!"

   The brunet's eyes narrow. "Oh, I'm aware."

   "But you enjoy it~"

   ". . .I suppose. But still, you look stupid."

   The white-haired boy rolls his eyes and frowns, holding his arms out. "Come here and let me feast on your blood, beloved mime."

   "It'll make us late to the party."

   Komaeda zooms across the room in an instant, slamming Hinata into the wall. He smiles, leaning in close to his human. "Mmm. . .Are you sure?"

   The brunet grits his teeth. "Stop trying to tempt me."

   "We don't even have to go tonight, actually. . .We can just stay home and play around ourselves, hmm?" He inhales deeply against Hinata's neck, "Mm, you smell so good."

   It's tempting to Hinata, to say the least. But he really did promise they'd be at the party.

   "Hhhh. . .We can't. I want to but we can't. You should have eaten earlier."

   Komaeda pouts. "You're no fun. Fine, come on, we're going to be late."

   He grabs Hinata's hand and drags him towards the door. 

   "Can't you at least change?"



   "Komaeda! Hinata! Welcome! Oh, Hinata you're a mime, and are you a vampire, Komaeda?"

   Komaeda beams. "Yes, Sonia!"

   The blonde lights up. "How wonderful! I've always been so fascinated with the supernatural! I wanted to be something fun like that too, but Chiaki wanted to match."

   Hinata glances at Nevermind's Princess Buttercup costume and nods, wondering where her Westley is. 

   The buttermilk-haired boy hums. "I want Hinata to be a vampire too but oh well." He responds, making Hinata whip his head around.


   "Yeah, yeah," Komaeda continues nonchalantly, waving his hands, "I would love to sink my teeth into him and change him but I'm not sure he's ready."

   Hinata's entire body goes rigid. 

   The blonde smiles and giggles. "You're so funny, Komaeda-kun! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go find Chiaki." She ducks her head and moves away, leaving the brunet to gawk at Komaeda.

   "What the hell-"

   "Komaeda! Hinata!" Mioda sings, dragging her blonde-haired girlfriend after her, "Your costumes are so great!" Her eyes widen and she smirks, "Ooh, Komaeda, I bet you drink from your mime allll of the time."

   "Don't be weird, Ibuki." Saionji mumbles.

   Komaeda smiles easily, grabbing Hinata's hand. "Indeed, all of the time. Although, I believe Hinata enjoys it more than I do!"

   Hinata's face goes crimson as the three others laugh.

   "Woah, T-M-I, you two! You guys are so weird," Saionji wrinkles her nose, "I'm going to go find Pekoyama and Koizumi."

   Mioda smiles and waves enthusiastically as her girlfriend walks waves. "Anyways, it's been so long since I've seen you two, how have you guys been?"

   "Good, good," Komaeda replies, "And you, Mioda-san?"


   Hinata has been putting up with Komaeda's bullshit all night.

   {So how old are you really, Komaeda, since you are a vampire?-two-hundred and eighty-nine!}

   {Hehe, so what does Hinata's blood taste like?-Perfection!}

   {Is that what modern-day vampires wear now?-No, I prefer sweat clothes, actually.}

   Komaeda had been answering everyone's joke questions all night honestly, to Hinata's chagrin. Although, in his defence, Komaeda never told him his real age so he doesn't know if that one was the truth.

   As soon as they got back home, Hinata started throwing pillows at the vampire with an all-red face. 


   Komaeda grins. "Should've stayed home with me then."

   "That's not fair! Why were you being honest?! It was so humiliating!"

   "That may be. . .But it was super fun on my end," He brushes past Hajime, heading towards the bedroom, "Goodnight~"

   "Wh-Hey! Get your ass back here, Komaeda!"

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