Hooked (XL)

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   The two of them are situated comfortably at the head of the bed, propped up by pillows watching a movie. Hinata is in between the vampire's legs, reclining against his chest, holding onto the pale hands wrapped around his waist.

   'Hungry,' He thinks bitterly, 'But so cozy.'

   The blood bags just don't seem to be doing it for him anymore. The more and more he takes from his human mate, the more and more he craves fresh, warm blood from a living, breathing host. He knew it would be a mistake from the start. That's why you're not to feed off of your mate if you're trying to live by blood bags.

   Honestly, he could go on about his mate's blood forever. So lovely, warm, and smooth. A little bitter, like the host himself but also sweet and hopeful. It's always so refreshing drinking from a body that isn't afraid of him at the moment, unlike those he used to hunt back in the day. But the fear just made them taste even better, and that used to terrify him. Sometimes he wondered what his fiance would taste like with fear in his bloodstream-but he never wanted to put him in a situation where he would have an opportunity to taste that.

   . . .Thinking about Hinata's blood is just making him hungrier.

   He presses a kiss to his mate's neck, and Hinata smiles, tilting his head so he has more room to kiss up to his neck to his cheek. "Love you, Hajime." He mumbles drowsily.

   "I love you too. My gorgeous fiance. My beautiful Komaeda Nagito." Hajime replies.

   The human yawns, snuggling more into his partner. "We really should be finalizing our preparation for our wedding in a couple of weeks. . .but this is far more enjoyable."

   "Yes. . ." Komaeda agrees idly, only half-listening.

   'If I just bit him gently right now, I doubt he would really get that mad. . .'

   He dips his head, pressing his nose directly into the crook of his neck.

   "Whatcha doing, Ko?" Hinata asks, amused.

   "Smelling you. You smell so delicious, you know." Komaeda breathes against his skin.

   The brunet chuckles. "Alright then."

   'That counts as a warning.' Komaeda decides.

   He instantly tightens his grip on the human, making his heart speed up out of shock. He parts his lips and sinks his teeth into his mate, sucking gently.

   That would've been just fine if that was it, but that was the moment his instincts decided to kick in, and he pushes Hinata's back onto the bed, teeth still buried deep inside him.

   "N-Nagito?" He asks nervously.

   The vampire's mind went a complete blank, wholly swept up in the feeding.

   "Nagito, p-please stop this! What happened to you?!"

   Komaeda is gulping the liquid so fast and so greedily that it isn't long before Hinata passes out, having no choice but to trust his fiance. He drinks, and he drinks, and he drinks before he can finally pull away, satisfied with getting the taste he'd been craving.

   Hinata's body is deathly pale now.

   "Hajime? Hajime?!"

   He's still breathing, thank God. Jeez, what the hell came over Komaeda to do that?!

   Komaeda gently lays him back on the bed, pulling the covers over his body.

   Is he really that close to death? What if he has to turn him now instead of in what, a year from now?

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