Mortal Romance And Mortal Problems Part Two (IX)

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   Komaeda huffs, kicking angrily at a pebble on the sidewalk as he continues walking, hands stuffed deep in his pockets. Usually, when he's this upset, he fiddles with his engagement ring (but he's not wearing it right now, so. . .) 

   He can see his breath in the cool night air, and it pisses him off so much he just stops breathing altogether. 

   It had been a few days since Hinata had walked out of their house, never intending to return. He might as well had thrown his own ring in Komaeda's face.

   And he had walked out for such a stupid reason! Just because Komaeda had refused to turn him into an immortal blood-sucking monster?! That has nothing to do with the amount of love he had for him! If Hinata died, he would never take another lover!

   "Dumbass. Why can't you see just how stupid you're being?" He mutters. 

   He walks in silence for a few more minutes before the scent of blood fills the air and clouds his thoughts. And not just any blood. . .Hinata Hajime's blood.

   His eyes widen in horror, and he breaks into a cold sprint, rounding the corner and locating the alley where the scent is the strongest. 

   There at the back is his finace(?) slumped and unconscious against the wall. A different brunet vampire feeds from his neck, which doesn't seem to care that he's about to kill him. 

   Red spots fill Komaeda's vision, and his fists clench. That's his food source, his human, his mate! How dare they lay one of their disgusting, hopeless fingers on him! 

   He's moving before he even realizes it, and in the next instant, the other vampire is unconscious and has been thrown through the wall while Hinata is nestled carefully in his arms.

   "I'm sorry if you hate me for doing this, Hajime," He whispers, "But I need to bring you back to our home and treat you. . .I'm so sorry this happened to you."

   The human's face is deathly pale, but he didn't smell like he needed to go to the hospital. Komaeda sighs, tapping into his more supernatural abilities and zooming back to their home.


   Hinata Hajime is fragile.

   It's so easy for him to be harmed and killed in an instant, most likely before he can even reach old age; it isn't fair!

   The vampire gazes down at his beloved, watching him stir in his sleep. He's placed a bottle of water and two granola bars on the night table next to the bed for when he wakes up-which should be any moment now.

   Maybe. . .if it was something Hinata really wanted, then he could consider. . .

   Hinata groans, slowly blinking open his eyes, focusing his blurry gaze on Komaeda. Komaeda smiles gently, pushing some of his hair out of his face. 


   "Hey. How are you feeling?"

   The brunet groans again, grabbing at his forehead. "What happened?"

   "Well, I can't tell you what happened after you stormed out, but yesterday while I was going for a walk, I recognized the scent of your blood. There was so much; it was so horrifying and tempting at the same time. By the time I found you, you were unconscious in an alley still being fed on. I believe they wished to suck you dry, so I beat them half to death and brought you home." He explains.

   Hinata sighs. "Oh, yeah, that sounds familiar. Thanks, I guess."

   "Of course. . .Listen, Hajime, I-"

   "No, please let me talk first," Hinata interrupts, "I was such an idiot. I overreacted, and your concerns are valid. I know you love me, and I love you so much. Of course, I still want to marry you as well, if you'll have me."

   Komaeda smiles. "You're the only one for me, my love. And. . .I was thinking and. . .after we get married of, course and you still want it. . .I would be willing to transform you. Not right away, but, uh, yeah."

    Hinata's eyes brighten. "Really?! N-No, you don't have to-"

   Komaeda passes him a granola bar. "It will be a shame to give up your delectable blood, but I want to be with you forever. And I want you to be happy. I want to give you everything you want and more." 

   Hinata sits up, fumbling with the granola bar wrapper. "Thank you, Nags. I love you."

   "Love you too—my precious human. Rest up. You've lost a lot of blood," The vampire's eyes narrow, "That's for me and you only, that dick." 

   Hinata smiles. "Don't be jealous. You're the only one I would consent to take it. . .and maybe a doctor if I needed a blood test. But that's it. Cool?"

   Komaeda nods and kisses his cheek. "Cool. I'll leave you to rest now. I'll make you a delicious dinner for when you awake. I love you."

   "Mhm. . .love you, vampire." Hinata drawls, flopping back on his pillow.

   "Someday, I'll say that to you too," Komaeda promises, standing up and leaving the room, leaving the human to drift off once more.

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