Family Beach Day!

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   (Kamukura is there too, yay!)

   "Don't do it, Utsugi. No, don't you do it-gah!" Hinata yelps as the shorter pink-haired girl sprays him right in the face with her water gun.

   He whirls around covering his eyes only to get sprayed by Kemuri and Daimon.

   After Komaeda had so lovingly declared that 'Reserve Courses are always easy targets' all five of their 'children' (as all the other inhabitants of the island dubbed them) targetted him while Komaeda sat on a beach towel, sipping some sort of drink out of a coconut, laughing all the while. 

   "Just wait until I give Kamukura a water gun, then you'll all be sorry!" He threatens with no real bite. 

   "Oh we could totally Kamukura," Shingetsu shoots back, "There's not Ultimate Water Gun Fighter."

   Kamukura stirs in the back of his mind at the mention of their name. 

   "No, but you know what we do have?" Hinata's crimson eye glows a little brighter, signalling the use of one of their talents, "shooting talents and speed!"

   The five kids shriek, running away as Hinata unleashes hell on them.

   "Fight back!" Towa screams with delight, "Fight back!"

   "Hinata, please don't kill our children," Komaeda calls.

   "You're next Nagito!" Is the response.

   "Ah. . ."

   Suddenly, a child leaps onto his back and two others grab his legs and he falls onto the sand.

   'Weak.' Kamukura scoffs.

   'Shut up.'

   "Surrender." Daimon orders.

   "Tch," Hinata spits some sand out of his mouth, "Death first."

   He gets sprayed in the face again and he starts hacking and coughing.

   "Alright, alright, that's enough everyone," Komaeda chuckles, walking over to them with his hands in his pockets, "This is not the way the Ultimate Hopes should perish."

   The five of them give him annoyed looks but obey. 

   "Go play, we'll be along in a moment." He murmurs and they all runoff. Komaeda holds a hand out to his boyfriend and helps him to his feet. "Are you alright?"

   "I can't believe they overpowered me so easily," Hinata grumbles. Komaeda chuckles.

   "Well you're just one reserve and they're five children who took over a huge city so you tell me."

   The brunet narrows his eyes. "Are you really going to call me that for the rest of our lives?"

   "Yeah, but it's affectionate now!"

   Hinata raises his gun and sprays Komaeda in the chest.


   ". . .Kamukura-sama?" Komaeda questions, running his fingers through the brunet's hair as their headrests in his lap. 

   "It's Izuru. . ," They grumble, "How do you always know the second I take control?"

   Komaeda shrugs. "I don't know. Demeanour. Vibe. All of that sort of stuff. Also," He grins, "You like it when I play with your hair so I figured you'd come out."

   'Of course, he'd rather see you than me, why else would he draw you out?' Hinata huffs in the back of their mind.

   Kamukura sighs. "Hajime, you jealous cracker, calm down." They answer out loud.

   Komaeda's eyes widen and he giggles. "Kamukura-sama, what did you just say?"

   "I am not that superior to you, Nagito. But do keep petting."

   "Izuru then."

   The buttermilk-haired boy smiles, continuing to run his fingers through his partner's hair, looking out at the children. Shingetsu is sitting under a palm tree reading a novel Fukawa recommended, Kemuri is giggling as he buries Daimon in the sand, Utsugi is down near the water looking at shells, and Towa is just living her best life. 

   "Hinata-san promised to build a sandcastle with me!" She complains.

   "Hajime is dead. He is not coming back. This is my body now." The physical embodiment of hope murmurs sleepily.

   'I'll kill you.'

   'I would like to see you try.'

   "Hey!" Utsugi wails, rushing over to them, "Bring Hinata-san back! You can't just kill him!"

   Komaeda smiles at her. "Izuru was just making a joke, Utsugi. Hajime is fine."

   "As far as you know."

   "That's not funny, Kamukura-san!" Towa huffs, running over as well, "Now give him back; it's sandcastle time."

   'I'm taking over.'

   A moment later, Kamukura zones out a little as their thoughts blend together and they feel themselves being removed.

   Hinata groans, head aching slightly as he sits up and smiles tiredly at Towa. Komaeda kisses his cheek.

   "Hajime!" He chirps, "Are you going to show us your Ultimate Sandcastle-Building talent?"

   'Do we have that?'

   'I cannot tell if you are joking or not and I am afraid to ask.'

   "Well we do plan on building an amazing sandcastle, isn't that right, Towa-san?"


   Hinata hauls himself to his feet and allows himself to be dragged further down the beach.


   "And finally, a strawberry ice cream for Utsugi," Hinata says, handing the cone to the pink-haired girl.

   "Wow, Hajime. Are you using your Ultimate Ice-Cream Scooping talent?" Komaeda questions, nibbling at his salted caramel ice cream.

   "Not everything is a talent, Nagito."

   "Doubt it."

   "Hinata-san, I'm tired! Can we go back yet?" Daimon groans.

   "Almost, almost," Hinata assures him, "We're just going to let everyone finish their ice creams first. Why don't you go hang out with the other kids?"

   "Hmm. . .Okay!" He responds before turning and scurrying away. 

   Komaeda smiles, moving to stand by Hinata's side and grabbing his free hand. "Today was a lovely day. Thanks for planning this, Hajime."

   The brunet smiles. "Oh yeah. No problem. I'm glad everyone had a great time. We should do this again sometime."


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