Just Nagito

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(Doki Doki Literature Club AU because I've been thinking about this for a while. I was hung up on whether I should've made the 'Sayori' character Ibuki (I'M SORRY VDKJDGKJDF) or Chiaki but Chiaki seemed to make more sense) (Spoilers, and warnings for graphic suicide, blood and self-harm stuff, stabbing, blood, all that fun stuff)

   (Fair warning, this got a little long)

"Chiaki, wait, when I mentioned I would try to join a club, I didn't mean a small simple one like the Literature Club, I was thinking more like the Anime Club or something, wait!" Hajime protests as he's helplessly dragged into a random classroom.

   "Oh come on, Hajime, it'll be fun!" Chiaki sings back, tugging hard on the brunets arm, announcing, "Everyone! The new member is here! This is Hajime Hinata!"

   Hinata frowns. "Well, I wouldn't say new member, I'd say. . ." He trails off glancing around the room to where three other people are standing. The first one to approach him is a girl with long, choppy purple hair and matching purple eyes.

   She shyly holds out her hand to shake, saying, "W-Welcome to t-the Literature Club! C-Chiaki talks about you a lot. . ."

   "Seriously, another boy? Don't we have enough with one?!"

   Hinata's head turns, taking in a girl with short red hair and dark greenish-greyish eyes.

   "Oh, come on, Mahiru, lighten up, would you?"

   Hinata's head swivels once more, noting the boy with grey-green eyes and fluffy off-white hair who had seated himself on top of one of the desks by the window. The boy meets his eyes and smiles sweetly. "Hajime, so nice to see you here! Welcome."

   Hajime could practically feel his bisexual heart growing wings and soaring. These three people. . .They're all so cute!! 

   "Anyways, I'm Nagito Komaeda. These are Mikan Tsumiki and Mahiru Koizumi respectively, and of course you already know Chiaki Nanami.

   My peach-haired childhood friend tugs on my arm again. "Well, Hajime, come sit down! You can sit down next to me! And here, try one of Mahiru's brownies, they're to die for!"

   "Ah, um, okay. . ."

   "A-And I'll pour you some tea, Hajime, if that's alright!" Mikan squeaks. 

   Hinata allows himself to get seated into one of the empty desks, a brownie on a napkin set in front of him. He takes a tentative bite and his eyes light up.

   "Oh my god, Mahiru," He exclaims, mouth still half-full, "These are to die for! It's just so good!"

   Mahiru blushes slightly, looking away. "W-Well, I didn't make them for you, so. . ."

   Hajime frowns for a second before shrugging and continuing to eat his brownie.

   Komaeda folds his hands under his chin, staring intensely at Hajime. "So, Hajime, what kind of things do you like to read? What genres?"

   Hajime stiffens. He's not exactly much of an avid reader but. .. 

   ". . .Man. . .ga?" He responds nervously, nearly flinching when he notices Mahiru perk up at that. 

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