Glassy Sky

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 (Ghouls as seen in Tokyo Ghoul)

  Hinata hasn't seen Komaeda in days now and he and Nanami were starting to get pretty worried. Nanami hasn't seen him in class and he wasn't responding to any of the texts and calls the two of them were making to him.

   It was making Hinata very worried about his Main Course boyfriend. 

   On this one particular day after school when he met the Ultimate Gamer by the fountain after school, a key was immediately pressed into his tanned hand.

   He frowns. "What's this?"

   Nanami sighs, looking away slightly. "It's the key to Komaeda's dorm. He gave it to me in case an emergency ever arose and I'm not sure that if he's in a mood like this he'll open the door. I really think someone should go check on him and I think it should be you." She explains. 

   Hinata stares down at the key in his hand. "I-Are you sure? What if he doesn't want to see anyone?"

   Her gaze hardens. "Tell him he has to."

   The brunet is silent for a moment. "So. . .You want me to go right now? I thought we were going to keep playing that new game."

   Nanami shrugs. "We'll have all the time in the world for that later. But this is something that needs to be done now. Go on." She urges.

   Hinata hesitates for a moment before relenting. ". . .Fine. If you really think I should then I will."

   "Good. I'll see you later, Hinata."


   The brunet hesitates outside his partner's door for a moment, trying to swallow back his nerves. What if he saw something awful on the other side? Or what if he was terribly sick, or-

   'No, come on, Hajime!'

   He lifts his fist and knocks on the door three times, listening for Komaeda or any movements coming from within but hearing nothing. 

   "K-Komaeda? Hello? Love? Are you in there?" He calls.

   Still nothing.

   "O-Okay. . .I'm coming in now."


   Komaeda snaps his head up the second he hears Hinata's voice coming from outside his door, fear flooding his chest. His stomach rumbles painfully-a combination of the lack of food for days on end and the bit of Hinata's warm, delicious scent he was picking up on from his closed-up position on top of his bed.

   His mouth and throat felt dryer than a desert as the hunger pangs increased tenfold by that tiny little whiff and he struggled to get a hold on himself, vision blurring slightly. 

   If Hinata came in, it would be over for him.

   He opened his mouth to protest and tell his partner to go away but before he could, he could already hear the sound of the door opening and Hinata removing his shoes.

   "N-No. . ." He croaks. 

   But it's already too late.

   Hinata rounds the corner, freezing the second he meets Komaeda's red-and-black gaze. Komaeda salivates at his smell, automatically leaning forward in his spot as if to get up and attack Hajime, using all of his willpower not to sink he teeth into his shoulder. It would be so wonderful. . .

   Hinata meanwhile isn't sure how to react. He always thought that the ghouls that supposedly lived among humans were just legends but yet here Komaeda was, living and breathing in front of him with a piercing, deadly gaze. 

   And this particular one looked like he was starving. And he was alone with him. 

   The brunet knew he should probably run now while Komaeda still wasn't moving to attack him but for some strange reason his feet felt rooted to the spot, entire body frozen.

   A brief silence fell over the room before Hinata finally spoke.

   "Um. . .Nanami wanted me to check on you. . .She gave me the key, um. . ."

   Komaeda is off of his bed in a flash, grabbing Hinata by the wrist and roughly throwing him on top of the bed. He leaps on top of the human, red spots covering his eyes, sitting on Hinata's hips and pining his arms down. 

   Hinata stiffens underneath him, scent becoming tainted with fear as Nagito stares down at him with his distant, hungry gaze, eyes roaming all over his body as if debating where to bite first. 

   'Well, this is how it ends for me. Eaten alive by my boyfriend who's apparently a ghoul. . .'

   Komaeda hesitates, trying to push his hunger back down so that it would be somewhat manageable, loosening his grip on Hinata's wrist. Hinata takes this opportunity to reach up and touch Komaeda's pale cheek, trying to bring him back down to Earth.

   "Hey Nagito. . ?" He says softly, forcing a small smile, "You're okay. I love you. Come on back to me, alright?"

   Komaeda is still for a moment before finally he sighs, blinking rapidly a few times before rolling off of the brunet to sit next to them, eyes returning to their comforting grey-green. He groans loudly, pulling his knees into his chest, resting his chin on top.

   Hinata pulls himself into a sitting-up position, trying to collect his bearings as another silence falls over the room.

   ". . .I'm sorry," Komaeda mumbles finally, "I'm sorry I attacked you, I'm sorry you had to find out this way," He laughs emptily, "I'm thankful you haven't ran yet though, but please feel free to report me, I won't mind! I won't even try to escape!"

   Hinata stares at his lap, picking at a scab on his ankle. ". . .I don't want to think you're a bad person." He responds carefully.

   Nagito raises his head. "I'm not. . .I've never killed anyone, Hajime, I promise. Despite what I just did to you I don't but it's fine if you don't believe me. . .There's an organization in town-I can show you the website-where people donate their bodies to after death so that we don't have to kill to supply. They've been having a bit of a problem so they've been closed for a week-so I've kind have been starving and you smell really good. I'm, um, sorry for hiding everything from you, I wasn't sure how you would react. . ."

   The human lifts his hand to his chin, thinking. Finally he relaxes, leaning into Komaeda's side to the ghoul's surprise.


   "I believe you," He promises, "And I forgive you. I'm just relieved that nothing really bad happened to you?"

   Komaeda tilts his head to the side, confused. "What? You're not surprised? Confused? Scared?"

   "Oh, trust me, I'm all of those things," Hinata laughs, "But I also love you and you wouldn't do anything without a good reason. You sure surprised me! Your eyes looked so fascinating red and black like that. . .I hope you get some food soon so you can come back out."

   Komaeda allows himself to relax a little, kissing Hinata's forehead. "Me too. . .But, um, Hinata, I'm still super hungry and you're still in danger by being here so you should really leave. . .seeing you will be the first thing I do after I eat though, I promise." He murmurs.

   Hinata pouts. "But I don't want to leave you alone, especially while you're suffering!" He protests.

   Komaeda's eyes darken. "Hinata, I love you, but if you end up staying here, you could become the one suffering. You're not safe here right now. . .You could probably just tell Nanami I've got a nasty cold and I'll be back on my feet in a few days, okay? Unless you'd rather turn me in to the authorities which I completely understand!"

   The brunet groans. "I'm not doing that last bit and I don't want to leave you, but I'll respect your wishes. . .I hope you get some, uh, food soon."

   "Me too."

   Hinata says his goodbyes before putting his shoes back on and exiting the apartment, heart still racing. 

   'This day was just full of surprises. . .'

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