The Vampire/Human Wedding (XIII)

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(I didn't look up Japanese weddings; I just wrote what I know) 

 "Thanks for agreeing to be my best man, Nanami-san. . .or best person. Best woman? How should I refer to you?" Hinata yawns as he pours her a cup of coffee.

The wedding was in the afternoon, and they were going to get ready together. Komaeda had packed up all he would need in the early morning and went to Koizumi's so they wouldn't see each other until the actual ceremony.

She smiles slightly. "Well, it's the least you could do after picking Koizumi-chan as your maid of honour."

"Hey," Hinata holds up his index finger, "We each decided we could pick one important person to stand by our sides today. Koizumi and Nagito have been best friends for years."

He sometimes wondered if Koizumi was also a vampire but never got around to asking. Not to be rude, but her girlfriend sure looks like one with red eyes and pale skin.

The peach-haired girl smiles. "I know, I was just teasing. I'm really glad you chose me."

"There's no one else I'd rather have by my side," He smiles, "It's going to be the best day ever."

Nanami sips her coffee. "Mhm. I'll make sure of that. No matter how many people I have to tackle."

"Well, hopefully, it won't come to that, right? There's no love triangle or anything. No werewolves trying to keep me human or anything. Today is going to go off without a hitch."

"Usually, when someone says that, there's a hitch."

"I'll make sure of it."


"Good morning, Komaeda." Pekoyama greets him politely as he stands at their door.

He smiles. "Good morning. May I come in?"

She nods and steps back. "Of course. Koizumi is just having a drink, but she should be around shortly."

Komaeda nods back at her, coming inside and heading straight for the family room, Pekoyama right behind him. His phone buzzes with a text, and he quickly fishes it out of his pocket.

Hinata: Morning, my betrothed.

Komaeda: Ah, you're finally up. You humans need so much more rest than we do. How troublesome.

Hinata: I still can't believe I'm marrying an honest-to-goodness vampire today.

Komaeda: Does that scare you?

Komaeda: There's still time to back out.

Hinata: Oh yeah, right. You're not scary.

Komaeda: I could be.

Hinata: So you say.

Komaeda smiles.

Komaeda: Focus on looking pretty for me, Hajime. I love you.

Hinata: I love you too.

Koizumi breezes into the room, wiping a bit of smeared blood from around her face. She locks eyes with Komaeda and smiles. "The man of the day." She greets him as she passes, going to kiss her wife.

"You taste like blood, Mahee," Pekoyama scolds, "Brush your teeth before the wedding."

Koizumi rolls her eyes. "You humans, honestly."

"Will you ever change, Pekoyama-san? I mean, into one of us?" Komaeda asks.

Pekoyama smiles slightly. "Yes. . .I dream about being with Mahiru forever. . .but I need one more year. Maybe a year and a half."

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