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     (I gave up fast but wanted the thought of this scenario out there aha)

Hinata groans and shifts in his seat as he slowly comes to, bleary vision becoming clear. He appears to be in some sort of basement and. . .tied to a chair?! What the hell?! 

   He glares at the stone walls and then up at the swinging, flickering light above him. He struggles against his bonds but gets nowhere, eventually slumping over, defeated. 

   "Hehehehe. . ."

   Some low giggling comes from behind him, making the brunet stiffen. Two cool hands wrap around his shoulders, fingers grazing his neck.

   "Who are you?!" Hinata demands.

   The response is a soft nibble on the side of his neck.

   "Enough!" He cries. 

   "Hajime, just relax. Just let yourself go~" The familiar voice coos. 


   "Quiet, my love."

   Hinata relaxes. "Nagito. . .wait, Nagito?!"

   The buttermilk-haired boy comes to stand in front of his boyfriend with a bright smile. "I kidnapped you!" He sings.

   Hinata frowns up at him. "Why?!"

   ". . .Some people-not going to say who-needed you distracted for a couple of hours."


   Komaeda shrugs. "I don't know. I thought it would be fun."


   Komaeda chuckles. "You're fine. What, is this a deal-breaker?"

   "I'm going to call the cops on you. . ."

   "So, no."

   "Why would you go this far?! You literally could've invited me over to watch a movie or fuck and I would've been over in a heartbeat, but no, Komaeda-fucking-Nagito had to kidnap me! You-"

   Komaeda kisses him deeply, shutting him up. Hinata considers pulling away but begrudgingly kisses back.

   He pulls away slightly, hot breath falling over Hinata's face. "I'm sorry. I can untie you if you want."

   The brunet sighs, shaking his head slightly. "Nagito, you realize if you did this to literally anyone else, you would be on your way to jail right now?" He says back.

   The lucky boy shrugs. "Yeah, but I know you'll get over it eventually. 'Sides, I only have to keep you here for another forty minutes before we leave."

   Hajime raises an eyebrow. "Where are we going?"

   "It's a surprise~"

   "You kidnapped me, you should tell me. Also, untie me!" 

   "Mmm. . .Nah."



   And then they went to a surprise party idk bye.

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