Write Because We're Running Out Of Time

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   Hinata stares down at the notebook in his hands. 

   A completely new notebook, Not a line filled in yet; just pure white pages with blue lines and red margins.

   "There's a chance that the experiments can alter your memories and personality. . .You know you cannot back out of the project anymore, but we thought you should at least know."

   ". . .What sort of alterations?"

   "Your current personality, your memories, your likes, your dislikes, everything. . .will be shoved to the back in your mind, making the one in control of your body a completely different person. There is still a small chance you will be you, but it is most unlikely."

   ". . .Huh. I understand. How long until we begin?"

   "We will come to you in a month. And we will find you if you run."

   Hinata doesn't want to forget. He doesn't want to forget anything! Since passing the deadline to back out, his life had been so great.

   He had made friends with everyone in class 77-B. He had patched up his relationship with his parents, and most important. . .he had started going out with his long-time rival and crush, Komaeda Nagito. And they are in love.

   He sighs, relishing the feeling of the breeze ripping in his face and through his hair, leaning against the person he's sitting back-to-back with.

   Under the tree as well, sitting back-to-back with the man he loves is Komaeda Nagito. 

   In his hands is a fresh, blank notebook of his own. He had his diagnosis confirmed, and he also didn't want to forget.

  Lymphoma. Frontaltemporal Dementia. What does this all mean?

   That was the exact question he had posed to his Doctor, who gave him a pitying look, and gently laid his hand on his shoulder.

   "To be honest with you, Komaeda-san, nothing good. We've set your life expectancy between half a year to a year. I am so sorry."

   Komaeda remembers thinking that the sweetness in his voice was one-hundred percent false. His Doctor was probably thrilled to be getting rid of him and all of his annoying problems.

   "Doctor, from the dementia portion. . .what can I expect?" 

   "Lots of major behavioural and physical changes. I can give you a full list of possible symptoms, from inappropriate social behaviour to falling and walking problems but to sum up, you won't be yourself anymore, but only an empty shell of what you once were."

   The bluntness of the Doctor's voice had hurt at the moment, but as time passed, he found that it had helped him accept his unavoidable fate.

   But Komaeda didn't want who he currently was to be lost to the ages when the time came. He wanted to remember all of the friends he had made, how happy he was, how he had finally found the love of his life only to lose him so soon.

   He didn't want to forget his happiness now, his anger and sadness towards his diagnosis, how he was no longer alone for the first time in so many years.

   So when Hinata, also fated to disappear but for a different reason, came to him and proposed the notebook idea, he was more than eager to engage.

   Hinata's pen hovers above the first line of the first page of the new notebook, not sure what to write first. He frowns at it for a long time, not sure how to phrase what he wants to communicate.

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