[XV] Lifting the veil

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Third Person

“Will he be fine?” Junghwan worriedly asked. Eyes on the unconscious body laying infront of them.

Jeongwoo on the other hand felt unconsciously conscious. The feeling of being wide awake but wasn't able to move even the tip of his fingers nor let out a sigh to get their attention. I can do this. Move. Let them know you're awake, Jeongwoo. He thought to himself.

One. Two. Three.

Blinding. It was the first thing that welcomed his sight as soon as he slowly opened his eyes. He saw a blurred reflection of faces right infront of him but his system failed to recognize who's who. “He’s awake!” It's Mashiho. The archangel closed his eyes once again and took a deep breath as if gathering all his energy.

“What happened?” he weakly spoke while trying to get up but Mashiho gently stopped him. “You suddenly pass out, just rest.” the older sweetly stated.

He eyed the room. There's Asahi sleeping on the couch and Junghwan standing on his left looking extremely worried. No sign of Doyoung and that immediately made him blue. The smaller male sighed and pat his head with a smile. “Doyoung left to buy some ingredients for the porridge. He's not mad at you. Don't overthink.”

A pair of warm hands held his shoulder. “Are you alright? Do you want me to get you anything?” the youngest archangel asked. Jeongwoo can't help but to smile upon his cuteness. He gently leaned more to the touch and nod. “I’m all good, alive, and kicking.”

Mashiho who's listening nod his head but suspiciously stare at Jeongwoo. Seemingly looking like he's trying to stop himself from asking the reason why the latter suddenly pass out. Since he's more than certain that something triggered Jeongwoo.

Upon the silence, the room suddenly opened. It was Doyoung holding a wooden tray with a cup of instant porridge and a glass of water. “I decided I'll just buy the instant porridge instead of cooking. It will take a while.” the latter explained as he put down the tray.

Just in time, Asahi woke up and noticed the awkward atmosphere. He confusedly examine the room. There's Junghwan and Mashiho helping Jeongwoo while Doyoung is only watching from the other couch, fidgeting with his hands and judging from it, Asahi can clearly conclude that Doyoung would rather be on the streets than in the room.

Jeongwoo took one spoonful and release a heavy sigh before putting his utensil down. “No one's gonna ask what happened to me before i pass out?” He stated. The archangel stare at them one by one, examining the look on their faces.

And the heavenly messenger, Mashiho, can't help himself but puff his mouth with air before slowly blowing it out along with his curiosity. He gave a hesitant gaze to Doyoung who only nodded at him.

“Then what happened? What ‘war’ were you talking about?”

The latter closed his eyes, took a portion of inhale and exhale before nibbling his lower lips anxiously. “Remember when we ascended? You guys told me that you felt like there’s something missing. As if you’ve forgotten something important and your heart aches for some reason you can’t explain.”

He paused and stare at Doyoung. “As if you've committed something immoral because it's empty deep inside, literally.” Jeongwoo harshly bit his lips to suppress the possible surge of his emotion. “That’s exactly what i felt on our way back, I suddenly felt dizzy. My surroundings spinning, moving out of it's proper places, and my vision was unstable like a flickering light bulb. It wasn't detailed but i saw blurred faces, blood, thorns, and sharp arrows— like a post-war?”

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