[XXIX] Burning Bridges

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Third Person

Time can't erase a strong feeling. If ever someone asks Jeongwoo if he learned something during their short stay in the human realm, it would be the same set of words that have been carved into his mind.  

At this point, he had lost hope of reaching out for the immortal but something inside him is nudging him to move and make a difference. Jeongwoo would be up for that if it's not for the archangels in front of him getting themselves ready to ascend tomorrow. They didn't talk about it but Jeongwoo was sure that they all have different plans after the judgment knowing that it would decide their fate for the next lifetime— to remain an archangel, face a punishment, or become a mortal. It's always between the three.

"Jeongwoo, do you wanna eat outside with me? The others have their own agendas." He heard Mashiho asked from the kitchen.

Jeongwoo tilted his head in confusion. "Even Junghwan?"

The older nodded his head as he replied. "Yeah, I heard he's meeting a friend." And with that, they started to get ready to keep themselves busy. Mashiho mentioned that he's not in the mood to cook since tomorrow will be their last day and he doesn't want to waste his energy.

The two ended up sitting on one of the benches near the river. Plastic bags of convenience store snacks and instant ramen on the table laid in front of them.

"I'm surprised you're not spending the day with Dr. Kim." Jeongwoo commented while opening the lid of his noodles.

"He's on duty and I don't want to leave you alone in the apartment. I know you're lonely these days."

Jeongwoo sighed. "Just a little. I just feel sad that he didn't tell me."

The older squinted his eyes and shakes his head as he darted his eyes on Jeongwoo who looks down and disappointed. "If he told you beforehand, would it change anything?"

Silence filled the air after Mashiho asked that question. It was just a couple of words but it made his thoughts frozen. Would it change anything? If I knew beforehand would I do something to stop him? A heavy sigh stopped Mashiho from chewing, eyebrows furrowing at the latter as he wipes his lips.

"Maybe.... I don't know..." Jeongwoo answered, spacing out at the river and letting his noodles become cold along with the afternoon breeze.

Mashiho put his chopsticks down and leaned back on his seat, examining the younger who had completely lost faith.

"Do you love him? No, I mean, do you still love him?"

The younger almost laugh at the question. "Of course, I still do! What kind of question is that?" Jeongwoo exclaimed.

The latter rolled his eyes and gave Jeongwoo a hard pinch on the side of his waist. "Then go for it! Burn a bridge, Jeongwoo!"

".....Burn a what?"

Mashiho grinned. "Burn a bridge." he looked away momentarily and stared at the river slowly moving through the guidance of the wind.

"Burn a bridge and walk your own path. Someone else had to start a different route for the others to follow."

The two stared at each other; Mashiho analyzing Jeongwoo's reaction while the younger took his time to process the words that no one ever told him before. He anxiously nibbles his lower lip and darted his eyes on the soggy noodles on his cup. What a waste.

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