[IX] Kiss me

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Third Person

Sin. An offense and immoral act in the eyes of the highest. A word, deed, or desire in opposition to the eternal law and considered as the greatest downfall of beings, possible in different ways.

Generations have passed and the heavenly principles remained. Once divine beings such as angels gave in to sin, they fall from heaven and become mortals to face punishments or worse they become demons. 

Haruto felt the dryness of his throat as he gulp down, unavailable to stop himself from starring at Jeongwoo's drunk state. He can feel droplets of sweat rolling down on his neck as he breathed a deep sigh.

“Haru?” Junkyu called out from the other line, almost inaudible because of the loud music and grunts in the background.

The tall immortal snap out of his unpleasant thoughts. “Jeongwoo is drunk. I'm dropping him off to their unit, are you still with Mashiho?”

“Yeah, but he's a bit tipsy. Doyoung is already struggling to drag him out of the dancefloor.”

Ruffling his hair, Haruto momentarily glance at Jeongwoo before speaking to the phone again. “How about Asahi? I just need one of them to look after Jeongwoo once i drop him off.”

Junkyu’s carefree laugh rang in his ears. “I’m assuming he's with Jaehyuk.”

“Then where's Junghwan?”

“Just take him to your unit for tonight, Have fun!” and the call ended in a split second.

He let out a sigh before shoving his phone inside his pocket, struggling to keep both of them in balance. Pulling Jeongwoo by the waist as he drag him towards the elevator.

Thankfully once they reached the ground floor of the hotel, one of the guard helped him carry the archangel up to the parking lot.

Haruto rested his forehead against the steering wheel, feeling exhausted and nervous at the same time. He anxiously bit his lower lip before brushing Jeongwoo's hair away from his forehead. He's left with no choice but to let the latter stay in his unit.

“Park Jeongwoo. You're unbelievable.” he muttered while driving.

A bit tipsy but confident that he can manage both of them well but his demon better behave or else they will have to face fire. It didn't took them long to arrive at the building of his unit, he carried Jeongwoo on his back while his other hand carefully slid the key card.

To Haruto's surprise, his unit wasn't dark like how it was before he left. His brows furrow when he saw a figure coming out from the kitchen, Yoshi who's holding a glass of Martini halt when he saw the latter but immediately grinned upon realization.

“Tell me i didn't ruin your plan for tonight.” Yoshi stated smirking as he take a seat on the couch.

Haruto gave him a look of disbelief. “What brought you here?”

The older leaned back on his seat and took a sip of his drink before he spoke. “Some weird fans are lurking outside my unit so i decided to crash here like i always do in times of trouble. Just so happened that tonight is a little different.” then he eyed the sleeping male on Haruto's back.

“You got a present to unwrap. Have fun, I won't interrupt. I promise.” he continued followed by an annoying grin curved on his lips and a wink.

Drained, Haruto ignored Yoshi's remarks and kick the bedroom door open. The lights are turned on, probably because Yoshi rummaged through his closet while he's away.

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